Friday, September 19, 2008

Shabby Vintage

I thought I would add a few more decor pictures. I absolutely love this picture! I got it at Home Goods a couple years ago for 4.99! However, I haven't quite got the wall decor along with it figured out and everytime I look at it , it drives me crazy! :) In the corner by this wall I have an old creamy white shutter with a clock on it in the same colors as the picture and a loveseat is underneath with a white cover and a quilted throw with the colors in the picture as well so if anyone has any ideas please feel free to share them with me.
I just couldn't pass up these adorable shoes especially with the vintage millinery included.
This is one of my favorite photographs of another corner in my living room. I purchased the candle sconce at the Goodwill for $3.00!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved the top picture. Isn't that a replica of a Da Vinci?


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