Sunday, October 12, 2008

Birthdays and Blessings

I love this blessings sign that I have hanging in a guest room . Love the scrolls and the brown and blue tones. Be sure to count your blessings today! I thought I would share a gift that I wrapped for a friend. I used vintage wallpaper, vintage ribbon and a vintage millinery flower as well. I printed the Happy Birthday banner on the computer and attached it. I was very pleased with the way it turned out. So to everyone that has a birthday today...Happy Birthday and many blessings in the coming year!


  1. Hi Sandi.. Your present is very lovely... When someone places so much effort and giving into a gift it has to be very special to the person receiving ....

  2. OMGoodness Sandi ~ it's just beautiful!! Part of the gift is just the wrapping! xxoo, Dawn


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