Friday, November 21, 2008

88th Post and Christmas Goodies...

I can't believe this is my 88th post! Wow...who would have thought? Stay tuned because I am planning a giveaway on my 100th post...or maybe on post number 101 to be different...LOL I have also had a little time to create today so I made a few more mitten ornaments that are covered in glass glitter and embellished with vintage millinery,lace and ribbon. Each one also includes a darling curly silver hanger. I just listed these in my Etsy shop. Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have been one busy blogger Sandi! It took me over a year to get to 100!

    Can't wait for your giveaway!
    Hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving!


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