Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving as I will not be at my computer until Sunday afternoon or evening. I am thankful for so many wonderful husband of over 31 years , my three amazing children, their spouses and my precious heavenly Father and the many times He has answered our loving parents who raised me in the best home ever. I really do owe them a lot. I used to tell my father when I was little that when I grew up I was going to marry him...oh the things we say as youngsters. LOL I am also thankful for friends that stay with you through thick and thin . I could go on and on, but I will leave you with this thought:

"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say thank you?" -William A. Ward"


  1. Sandi...I bet you were lovin that high speed internet! Hope that you had a lovely time with your family and a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving. Love that quote in your post...

  2. What a great post, you are right, we all have plenty to be thankful for. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    xo Lidy

  3. Just popped in-over from Romantic Vignettes-enjoyed my *visit*I'll be back!


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