Friday, November 14, 2008

Recycled Skirts

I don't know about you , but I love to find wonderful fabrics when looking in unexpected places. These are pictures of two skirts that I purchased at a Goodwill store for $2.50 each because I absolutely love the fabric.

I thought the linen skirt that has the torn edge look to it and ruffles would make a gorgeous lampshade cover. I am not sure what I will do with the other one, but taken apart it would be a lovely drape for a shelf or put over a cushion on a chair and tucked in and let drape down. I encourage you to think outside the box and look for fabric in unexpected places and you will be surprised what you find.


  1. That is a brilliant idea! I've been wondering what to do with a hanging lamp fixture after we finish redecorating our kitchen and this is the answer!

  2. Hi, if you stop by my blog and look under my "Vintage" posts you can see a photo of one of my studio windows, the 'curtains' are white vintage dresses : ) I'm enjoying your blog!


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