Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We have a WINNER!

I had hubby draw names from the entries I received in my blog giveaway and Alice over at Painted White won first place and Lil Birdie Bottoms won 2nd place! Congrats and I will be sending these goodies out soon! Blessings!


  1. I am so excited! My first blog win ever! Truly a monumental day for me ;)

    {Big Grin Here}
    Thanks Sandi!

  2. I am so excited!!! What do I need to do from here? Anything? Thank you sooooo much Sandi!!!!

  3. Hi Sandi... Congrats to the winners.... You ask about the crinkle ribbon.... I buy it like that from Polly at Counting your Blessings.I think it to be bias take and she has spray she crumbles and crinkle with...


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