Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Embellishment Center - Part 2

I wanted to hop in here quick and show you my new embellishment center with all my goodies on it. The last picture I showed was on the box right after I purchased it. I wish I had better lighting to show how pretty it really is. The pink glass jars are a beautiful shade of light pink, not the color it shows. I purchased them new at a Goodwill store and they were originally *WISH JARS* from Hallmark. I don't have anything in them yet, but love them as is for now. If you notice the one shelf is bowed down a bit, but I decided I am not going to schlep this thing all the way back (2 hour drive) to get a perfect one. It fits in with my room just great! Have a wonderful day ~Blessings! Sandi


  1. How beautiful, Sandi!
    I am trying to downsize my crafts from one entire room into a large closet.
    Your post is very inspirational.

  2. Oh Sandi,
    I love it... better go read Part 1.
    Happy night!

  3. Something just caught my eye on your sidebar, raspberry/green tea frappuccinos??? Sounds dangerous, I will have to try one! Yum.

  4. IF ONLY my ribbon was all neat as a pin like this. And the wish jars are awesome! Look like pink depression glass for sure! I love how you dolled them up. Is that glitter in thee other one ... the white one? Just beautiful! I think my problem is I have TOO much... and thats why it's everywhere!
    Your post fired me up to go clean my room... again*
    Have a blessed night!

  5. Love all your storage...can't wait to get started on my space.

    Have a blessed week,



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