Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chocolate is Good for You ~

QUOTE: Nine out of ten people say they like chocolate...the tenth person always lies". - John Q. Tullius, artist/cartoonist

I found a book titled "1001 Reasons to Love Chocolate" at Home Goods on clearance that last time I was there and just had to get it. It has lots of chocolate facts in it and it is a fun read! For instance did you know that chocolate and cocoa are rich sources of antioxidants, potentially beneficial compounds that may reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers, and the effects of aging? If it helps with aging, I say bring on the chocolate!

A substance in chocolate inhibits the formation of dental cavities. Chocolate tends to melt away and clear quickly from the mouth, which limits the time teeth are exposed to sugar.

I thought this was cute: There's probably no better way to hold a child's attention during arithmetic lessons than counting M & M's, adding and subtracting Hershey Kisses , and multiplying and dividing Hershey's Milk Chocolate bars. And for each operation, there's a book!

Milk Chocolate is to Switzerland what champagne is to France.

Where to stash chocolate: Laptop case, airplane carry-on, your desk at work, glove compartment of your car, the middle drawer of the china cupboard, under the good napkins, so your children won't find it (My kids can tell you stories about my hidden chocolate LOL), fishing tackle box, knitting bag, etc.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. A fun book to browse where did I put that package of chocolate truffles... Blessings ~


  1. What perfect timing, Sandi
    We just walked down to the store and I bought a bar of Cherries & Almonds in Dark Chocolate bar... I feel now you've given me permission to eat a few squares... Yum!
    Happy day!

  2. I just tried posting and it came up with an error :( I wrote a long comment!

    Anyways...the gist of it was that I love chocolate too and the facts you gave are so interesting! My favorite kind of chocolate is dark...and if it has almonds that's even better!

  3. Good morning Sandi,
    Now, this is *important* stuff to know! Mmmm, chocolate!

    I love that "Mildred" book-gorgeous-and all of the neutral colors-a new trend?
    Have a great day,


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