Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Giveaway at Time-Worn Interiors Blog ~

You just have to check out Time-Worn Interiors blog by Theresa. It is amazing and she is having a wonderful giveaway right now too!! Be sure and check out her ice storm! That is some major ice! We are used to ice here in Michigan, but I don't think we had that much this year. Love her decorating style and her blog!! On another note, I went to the doctor today and found out I have ear infection. But the beauty of it is...I don't have any pain at all so I am blessed yet again! Hoping you are having a lovely day! Blessings ~

1 comment:

  1. Oooh thanks for sharing Sandi! That looks like my kind of giveaway!

    Sorry to hear about your ear infection...hope it clears up asap!


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