Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have always loved these glitter signs and I am definitely *BLESSED* matter what we are going through at the moment, even though at times the worries of the day may seem insurmountable, most of us can truly say we are very blessed. (*BLESSED* photo from Alice over at Painted White)
I have a CD from a christian singing group that has performed at our church and the title song is called, *I AM BLESSED* When I pop it in my cd player as I am driving in my car, I end up singing and crying every time. It is a song that just touches your heart and soul and I love it! Some of the words:
*I am Blessed, I am Blessed, Every day that I live I am blessed, When I wake up in the morning till I lay my head to rest...I am Blessed, I am Blessed*

I hope you are feeling *BLESSED* today ~


  1. Beautiful Sandi!! Thank you for reminding me that we are blessed.


  2. Aw, where did I get my weepiness from? Was it dad- nope, it was you! :) Yes we are all very blessed. Love you mom!

  3. Aww Sandi! We are all so truly blessed aren't we? It is so easy to forget during the hustle and bustle of life...but I know I am! And I am blessed to know you!


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