I took a couple pictures around the house of some more *PINK PRETTIES* to share with you since I missed Pink Saturday . We were away this weekend visiting my oldest son , wife and grandbaby and we had a wonderful time. We don't see them very often, so it was a absolute pleasure to spend some time with them. I told them we are always there just long enough for my granddaughter to start interacting with us and then we have to leave and come home again. She turned a year old in October and she is such a cutie! She jabbers non stop...it is just adorable!
I have decided there may be an "up" side to hubby starting 2nd shift this week. I really prefer first and so does he , but on the way home today I said, "Hey...you can help me with painting the stairway now since you will be home during the day". Of course he was thrilled *WINK...WINK*. Even if all he does is make sure the ladder doesn't fall that will be a big help for me! I do hope you had a wonderful weekend. Blessings~
Hi Sandi! Glad you got to spend time with the grandbaby. Sorry to hear about your husband's hours being cut. That is exactly what happened to me about two months ago. I got cut a day a week. You don't miss it till you don't have it. But, we are managing okay. Love your pink!