Friday, March 6, 2009

Guest Room ~

I thought I would share a few pictures from the bedroom upstairs that we now use for our guest room. It is constantly a work in progress, but it is coming along. Hubby thinks we should move our room up there and have the guest room downstairs. Still trying to decide for sure if that is what I want to do. There are pros and cons to doing that. CONS: It is all geared to the size beds that are in there now (two twin beds) and the *BLUE* decor. That means I would have to redecorate *EVERYTHING* probably not anytime soon. I would also like to eventually get just one larger bed for that room. PROS: It is a huge room compared to our bedroom and I love the wood floor...maybe someday~ This is a favorite large old basket that I love ...chippy blue paint and all ~ Here is that chandlier again that has never gotten put up. I am thinking of putting it on Craigs list because I don't think it ever will get up and now I am not so sure I want it in that room ~
One of the twin beds with an antique chenille spread on it that I adore ~
Shelf of *PRETTIES* ~
I hope you have a wonderful day! Blessings ~


  1. I use any excuse to redecorate! Your blog is always a pleasure to visit. Have a wonderful weekend. ~Sandra~

  2. Oh how pretty! I could be a very comfy guest in that room!!

  3. It's gorgeous Sandi! I would love to come stay there ;)

  4. Sandi, you have done a wonderful job of the decorating. The guest room looks really fabulous.


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