Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Oldest Son...Jason ~

I want to introduce you to my oldest son Jason today. This is one of my favorite pictures of him that was taken a few years ago. He is now 27 years old , married and has a precious baby girl ~ Jason graduated from Huntington College in Indiana with a degree in graphic design. This poster is one that he made while he was in college. The adorable little girl in the picture is our 1st grandchild who was living with us at the time. (she is now almost 10 years old...where do the years go )
Jason also had several of his photographs published in the Christian magazine *Discipleship Journal* published by NavPress in his senior year of college.
One photo Jason had published in the magazine ~
This was printed on one of the first pages of the magazine ~
I love this photo he took of bike tires and rocks. I will never forget what my dad said when he saw the picture for the first time..."He missed the bicycles...only the tires and rocks??? "...LOL Too funny!
Jason now works at Huntington College in their computer department. I always forget his official title , but I do know that he troubleshoots a lot of computer issues. He has also designed several websites. A few of them are The Kimmel House Inn B and B, NAACP, (North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals), Baumann and Scott Photography along with others. (If you check out the photography site and click on "pregnancy" you will see a photo of Jason's wife when she was expecting their precious little Keira) We love him and his family so much and wish Gods blessing on them always!


  1. Wow! How awesome for him!

  2. way to go Jason!!!!
    it's so fun to watch them grow up...ya know...to see how all those years of smiles and tears payed off :)

  3. You must be proud! Great work! My oldest son's name is Jason, too-isn't it funny to see how names go in waves?


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