Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Physical Beauty ~

I received this antique book for part of my birthday gift from my daughter and I love it! The title is *Physical Beauty* and it is a very old book that has a copyright date of 1891. I adore the pictures in it and especially the one above of the pretty lady. The chapters have very interesting titles such as: What is Physical Beauty, Causes Operative For and Against Higher Ideals, General Aids to Beauty-Ventilation, Foods , Sleep, Fabrics... The Hygiene of the Hair, The Care of the Hands , Practical Suggestions for Dress, etc.

I have not had time to read it all through, but it will most certainly be an interesting read. I realized the page above that I scanned appears crooked so I checked the book and it is crooked on the page...definitely a sign of how old the book is...still so wonderful...
Have a wonderful day filled with blessings ~


  1. I'm so glad you like it. Enjoy it my darling. I'm sure it will get much more use from you than it did from me. Love you bunches mom!

  2. What a fun read! Dress for health and artistic beauty! Great idea!
    Are your washing machine woes fixed? It's the dryer over here-it's making awful noises-
    Have a great day!


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