Thursday, March 26, 2009

What A Sweetie ~

Oopps.....sorry about that. I accidentally hit the POST button before I typed anything so we will try again... Our darling little granddaughter Annika turned 2 years old and I thought I would share a few pictures... Love her expressions! Yumm....cake !
This is good "MOM"...(she calls me mom and we are sure it is because she hears her daddy call me that)...too cute!
She loves any gifts and had to try on her shoes immediately...
How do they look "mom"...
Is this a mermaid on the ball "mom"...
She loves clothes!! This is a top and pants , but she kept calling it a sweet!
Blessings ~


  1. She is beautiful, Sandi & already a little diva!!! It's so sweet that she calls you Mom!! Happy 2nd b.d. Annika!!!

  2. Oh Sandi....your granddaughter is PRECIOUS!!! What a fun day....I know you must just love her so much ~ now I know! xxoo, Dawn

  3. Oh my goodness! What a cutie!

  4. Happy Late Birthday to Annika! Love her name.

  5. How sweet to have a little girl...boy would I spoil her!


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