Monday, April 13, 2009

Gardening Bug...

Has the gardening bug bit you yet? I am so ready to get out there and purchase hanging baskets and plant flowers, but it is not quite time in our neck of the woods so I thought I would share a few of my pictures from last year.

LOVE this piece of pottery and the flowers in it ~
I fell in love with this white wicker cone hanging basket and purchased it a couple years ago. This geranium grew so big it almost outgrew the basket! ~
My bleeding heart plants beside my back door...they grow huge every year. Love them ~ My favorite birdbath... Enjoy ~
Have a wonderful day...
Blessings ~

1 comment:

  1. it all looks so pretty. thanks for sharing.
    i too can't wait.
    we are actually going to do some big landscaping this year. so excited!!


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