Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some Days You Just Wonder...

Have you had days like that lately? Things seem to go wrong from the get go and no matter how hard you try they keep getting worse. Seems that has been a lot of our days lately. The latest is some serious computer issues and yesterday it was the end. We finally gave up and had to reformat the thing! (my new best friend is the 8 gb flash drive in the photo above...thank God for these little devices that can hold so much stuff!) So now I am slowlyyy putting files back and it will probably take me a good week to do that as I won't spend every waking moment sitting at this beast. We are back to "bare bones" right and a couple other things. Trying to update also and on dial up it takes a longgggggg time! But I am thankful for how well it is working so far today. I have no clue what my blog will look like because this typing appears to be a different font to me and my signature at the bottom of the post is shaded gray to I hope it doesn't show on your end. As we get things updated I think things will smooth out so I am trying to be patient. I have not had the time to put all my photos back on yet, so bear with me please. It may be a couple days before I actually get some on here. LOL
We did have a lovely time yesterday attending an Easter Egg hunt with little 2 year old granddaughter Annika. It was her first one and she was just adorable! She had a large basket and had so many eggs that her basket was full and her hood on her jacket was full and she put some in her pockets. Too cute! She did very well! In two of the eggs were numbers (the rest all had candy in them) and she won a $20 Walmart gift card and an adorable golden retriever movie. What a haul! She is a tremendous joy in our lives right now. Have a blessed Sunday!

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