Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Nice Day Away ~

I needed to get away today from all the hum drum of every day life and it was just what the doctor ordered. I didn't spend a lot of money, but I did come home with some delightful finds.

I went to a huge greenhouse, Hobby Lobby, Big Lots and was trying to decide whether to hit the Goodwill store or head home. Am I ever glad I decided to go! I found this wonderful picture and fell in love with it.

The Goodwill store that I went to has a large area where they put everything on shelves and they don't price anything. It is called, "AS IS". You take the items that you want up to the counter and they give you a price. This picture cost me a whopping 25 cents! Can you believe it? The glass in it is convex and I adore it! I am sure some will look at it and think that it is a piece of junk but I see wonderful character in the chippy paint, a beautiful vintage patina, and a romantic victorian couple. What do you see?

I did have a wonderful time all by myself . Sometimes we just need to get away for a bit to renew our spirit ...I know I did and I am all the better for it. Blessings~


  1. What a charming find. Love the chippy yellow frame. Very cute.

  2. Hi Sandi,
    I see a romantic Victorian couple too. What a great find. I agree, it's good to get out and away at times. I went out today too but to run errands that weren't the fun kind. Thank you for letting me live through your adventure today. Happy Friday and weekend to you.

  3. OMG! You got that for 25 cents!!! Do you have a clue what they sell for. I have about 600 of my collection of 800 left that I dearly LOVE ... I have this. It is worth between $20 & $30, depending on your region. What a FANTASTIC BUY. TTFN ~ Marydon

  4. Hi Sandi. I am glad you had a great day. Mine was good at the fact No one was hurt bad except the mower... Check out my blog and you will se what I am talking about.

  5. Oh what a treasure!!!
    hugs, lisa

  6. Oh my gosh what a great find!!!



  7. got a deal and a steal! Love it...especially that frame! :)


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