Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Flickr Mosiac and Update on Book Makeover ~

I had fun on Flickr last night...
I just love playing with photos on Flickr, but I don't do it very often because it takes me forever on my dial-up internet. I did play last night and love how these mosiacs turned out. I just noticed the lace photo is a little blurry so I may have to redo that at some point. Do you all make mosiacs? I am wondering if there is a way that you can pick what photo goes where or if it just throws them in randomly. I think I like the setup of this one better than the first one ~
I wanted to give an update on my guest book and what I decided to do. I decided to go very simple so I added ribbon in almost the same color as the binding, an ivory trim and a bow. I did love someone's idea about putting white paint on the binding to make it appear shabby , but thought I might make a royal mess of it. I tried laying three buttons on the ribbon in a vertical line also, but I thought it distracted from the photo...what do u think? ~

Also a quick update on my giveaway...I am feeling quite overwhelmed at the number of responses! Last I looked I had 230 comments! Wow...I had no idea it would generate this many interested people. I will definitely be a busy beaver come next Sunday afternoon. And also thank you to all of you who have left comments and I have not made it to your blog yet. I want to try and get to eveyone's, but it will take me a good long time. I am also so happy to have made many new *friends* along the way...after all isn't that what this blogging is all about ~ Have a glorious day filled with things that make your heart go "pitter pat" ~


  1. I think you did a great job on your book. What will you use it for.

  2. Your guest book looks lovely so soft and pretty. Love it.

  3. Hi Sandi,
    I love the mosaics today. A lovely thing to see so early in the morning. What you did with the book is just perfect, I love it. I'm not at all surprised at the response you got on your wonderful giveaway. There are a lot of bird lovers out there and you put together some awesome treasures. I can't wait to see who wins, can you?

  4. I love the mosiacs and the guest book! They are beautiful!

    Many blessings to you!


  5. The book turned out beautifully! I have never tried Flicker but it looks like fun. I do like the second mosaic the best:).



  6. Sweet! I like the brown ribbon and white trim :) Cute mosaic too!

    All the best,

  7. Your Guest Book is Elegant!! I Love it!!

  8. Well done you! The book is lovely!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. Beautiful mosaics! And your guest book is fabulous!

  10. Hi Sandi,
    I like the way your guest book turned out.
    Looks like you were having fun with Flickr.
    Wow, that is a lot of comments. Good for you!

  11. Hi Sandi,
    I love your final ideas for your Guest Book. You have added a look of elegance to it yet kept it simple.

    KUdos to you.



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