Sunday, July 19, 2009

Childlike Faith ~

"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you,
Do not fear; I will help you".
Isaiah 41:13
"Up daddy please"... "hang on Annika"... I've got you ~ "I can do it...I know daddy won't let me fall"

Annika had absolute faith in her daddy that he would hold onto her and
keep her safe.

I wish that childlike faith for you... each and every day...



  1. I was just telling someone the other day how we really should hang on to that faith and trust we have as a child! What a beautiful post!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. What a lovely post and pics. Memories of my "absolute faith in Daddy's protection" brought tears to my eyes.
    Your analogy to our heavenly father's care is so timely for me this Sunday.

  3. When life is beating us up it is very hard to hang on to Faith.... We must try harder!!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!!

  4. Thanks Sandi, I needed that.

  5. Wonderful post. All we have to do is trust Him.

  6. Beautiful pictures and verses to go with it. I've found over the years the more I've relied on the Lord in faith, the easier it gets. It is so true, He will never let the righteous fall. Things will get hard but He has NEVER left me and for that I am so grateful and in awe.

  7. Great post and *just* what I needed this morning!
    Thank you.
    ...still praying for all...


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