Wednesday, September 23, 2009

White Wednesday ~

White Wednesday seems to sneak
up on me too fast.
I had a post all scheduled for today
and about 10 pm last night
it hit me that today is Wednesday
again so I had to change it~
Are these the cutest little vintage shoes ever ?? Look at the sweet little buckles ~ I love WHITE pumpkins for fall. I purchased this vintage plate at the Goodwill for 55 cents ~ Yet another view of the precious shoes I wonder what the little girl was like who wore these. Was she a dainty little blonde and blue-eyed sweetie, or maybe a brown eyed girl with a lot of spunk, or even possibly a beautiful curly top redhead ?
Some goodies I picked up recently~ I hope you enjoyed my quickly thrown together
White Wednesday today.
Be sure and visit Kathleen at Faded Charm
for other White Wednesday links.


  1. what gorgeous whites, have wonderful day!

  2. Hi Sandi. Fall has arrived... I am rather drawn to the brown transferware your punkies are sitting on... Brown transferware is rather drab but I think I just like the subdued color of it.... The designs are usually very pretty and scripty.....

  3. I KNOW~it was Wednesday just yesterday! Love the shoes and love the plate!
    Happy Wednesday!

  4. I think the "little girl" of the white shoes was a little tom-boy as these shoes are very scuffed!!
    Take Care!!

  5. Hi Sandi,
    I loved your quickly thrown together White Wednesday! I love those sweet shoes, and that's just what I wonder when I pick up a pair of sweet shoes. Where did they go in these little things?
    Have a great day.

  6. What precious little white shoes! I think I will lean towards a dainty little blonde haired sweetie ~ thats what my two girls were!
    And I love the vintage plate ~ perfectly Autumn!

  7. I like white pumpkins, too, Sandi! I've been itching to paint some white. ♥

  8. What a beautiful post! I love those sweet little shoes. What a wonderful find!

  9. I very much enjoyed your whites. I love the tinty colors and the white pumpkins.


  10. Precious little shoes....if they could talk!.....and, you just gotta love Goodwill! come by for a visit....xojana

  11. 55 cents for a brown transferware plate?????? OMG!!!!!!!! The shoes are adorable, so are the pumpkins...but 55 cents??????????


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