Monday, November 30, 2009

Seven things I have learned ~

1. that if I pray for patience, God puts me in situations that demand it

2. that when I am in the *10 items or less* line at the grocery store
and the person ahead of me has 74 items {yes I counted the beeps},
there just might be a logical explanation for it
{and there was...also see #1}

3. that I adore my grandchildren and should have had them first {because I think I am a better grandmother than I was a mother}

4.that when I turn my kids over to God, I need to leave them there
and let Him alone work in their lives.

5. that marriage is hard work , but definitely worth every minute {remind me of this when hubby and I are having a bad day}

6. that God alone is in charge and not me

7.. that life is short even at the longest, so live it with no regrets

Have a wonderful and blessing filled day on this
Cyber Monday~


  1. Well I'd say you've learned an enormous amount with a list like that! #6 is a particularly hard one for me too, but so very true, we need to remember sometimes to just step back for a moment and let God work in our lives and not try and always "contro"l the situation. I hope you are having a wonderful start to your week Sandi!!

    Blessings ~

    :) T

  2. Beautiful.... I can't expand on that!!
    Happy Holidays!

  3. What beautiful life lessons, Sandi--all so very true! I've learned many of those myself...especially patience!

    May I use that beautiful rose card image sometime in a card? Let me know if you get a chance--love those big, fat cabbage roses! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Sandi Thank you so much for your reminderes. The one about Turning your kids over to God and then leaving it up to him brought tears to my eyes. It is so hard for kids these days and it is hard for mommy's to not interfer.. Thank you for that one.

  5. Amen to all 7! I sure needed a lot of patience today. Have a blessed week. :) Tammy

  6. I love it Sandi! Yes, I definitely make a better grandmother than I did a mother!
    It sounds like you and I have the same luck when it comes to check out lines. I swear i'm jinxed.


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