Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Glimmering Silver ~

glistening...sparkly...glittery...shimmering ~

i have fallen in love with vintage silver.
i made some of these ornaments to sell at my booth
this year and they were a hit~
loving my stash of vintage silver ornies~

sharing a little something to think about:

*faith is taking the first step
even when you don't see
the whole staircase*

-martin luther king jr.

blessings this wintry night ~


  1. these are so pretty. I love vintage silver ornaments too - constantly on the lookout for them in my treasure hunting ventures.

  2. Hello.... I love the silver ornaments.... I am just enjoying the evening... My oldest son was here for supper tonight and used the wireless for couple hours... was nice....

  3. I'm a silver Lover too ...Can't get enough of it ..seems like each Christmas I find more and more silver I can't do without. Somehow it's just so cheerful and full of Wintry Charm isn't it.

    Always enjoy your blog ...

    Blessings ..Sara

  4. Oh Sandi I just love all of the silver decorations and Christmas touches you have shared this season...truly beautiful!!!

    Blessings to you sweetie!

    p.s. wrapped my first gift today using your beautiful muslin ribbon!

    :) T

  5. I do love those glittery ornies you mad Sandi. I'll bet they WERE a hit.
    Your vintage ones are yummy too!
    hugs to you dear friend

  6. Love all your ornaments, silver is just my favorite. Last year I hung old sugar and creamers on my tree, but this year we have a smaller one. Hope you are having a wonderful week before Christmas!!


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