Friday, January 22, 2010

This little light of mine... ~

i'm gonna let it shine...
let it shine...
let it shine.
"let your light so shine before men that they
may see your good works
and glorify your father which is in heaven."
matthew 5:16
i received this beautiful candleholder
from my sister-in-law for christmas~

 love this use of candles outdoors ~

i snapped these pictures at my son and
daughter-in-laws house last week
let your light shine everyday...
inside or out...


  1. I am probably one of the few who do not use candles at all as our Boyz are far to inquisitive & active.
    Have a great day!!

  2. I am so loving all these candles. I love candles! That mantle is gorgeous.

  3. great post, especially with the quote you chose! a good reminder! Wouldn't it be cool if I thought about that every time I looked at a candle?
    I love the decorated mantle.

  4. Hi Sandi... Hope you are not hurting today... I am aching cause ARTHUR showed up for a visit today... I think it is the weather we haven't or maybe are going to get lucky and not recieve...

  5. Cute pix! That verse is something we all hear as little children but oh the depth in it.

    I'd LOVE to have a bird bath to put a candle in. How pretty!

  6. Nothing like the ambiance a candle gives, though they my burn out the light of the Lord keeps glowing!!

  7. How Lovely, I have a friend who burns candles all the time, and her little light keeps flickering. Love your pics. I love that song. I'm always singing it at services, and one time the teacher came over and thanked me for helping their choir, my boys thought she came over to tell me to stop, imagine them saying that.

  8. Such gorgeous photographs sweet Sandi!!! I hope you are doing good, I've had you on my mind lately....hugs and love dear friend, Dawn

  9. Hey Sandi if you're into re-gifting you can always send it to me. The candle holder is so pretty. Love your images today.

  10. Hey Sandi if you're into re-gifting you can always send it to me. The candle holder is so pretty. Love your images today.

  11. Every time I hear that song, it reminds of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School when I was in elementary school. I love candles and light them every day. Love the glow and the sweet scent they emit. Have a blessed day! :) Tammy


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