Wednesday, January 6, 2010

White Wednesday ~

it is almost time for hearts and love and romance...
i have been trying to get out of the
{ def. - a period of stagnation or slump }
and i am craving my own *time and space*

{ hubby is laid off due to unforseen cirumstances where he works}

this week I just had to make something.

i found a ms heart *button* punch at michaels
last week and I used part of my gift card to snag it
and bring it home with me ~

So... i made a 9 foot heart and muslin garland~

{i have no idea what the french words say on the hearts...
i punched them out of a old french reader}
i love how it turned out,
but as usual sandi takes the long way around. did she glue the french paper and cardstock together first and then punch out the hearts...*oh noooo*...

she punched them out individually and then glued
each little heart together...what was she thinking ?? Obviously she wasn't !! lol

my beautiful new ralph lauren pillow that i scored at the goodwill for 1.99 when we visited my daughter at thanksgiving time. original tag on the inside was 59.99 and it has one of those scrumptious down pillow inserts ~ sparkly pear on vintage lace

which i call... *simplicity*

have a beautiful wednesday and be sure and visit kathleen at faded charm for more white wednesday posts~ blessings~


  1. Beautiful & Great finds!! Love RL the pillow!!!!!

  2. Love the little hearts... I am working on something similar onle making a garland out of it.... I was cutting my hearts but the heart punch is real cute.... Our weather isn't gong to give us a break this week by the forecast.... Oh just create....

  3. CUTE!...Being productive helps with the slump, doesn't it?
    Have a great day!

  4. What lovely creations, Sandi! Love the peaceful whiteness of it all!

    I'm sorry to hear about your hubby's layoff--things will be right again! Hang in there!

  5. Hi Sandi,
    Love your heart garland and pillow!
    Sorry to hear about your hubby getting laid off. We have been living on a tight budet for awhile as my hubby sell real days are tough...however God provides and I am so thankful!!!
    Crafting is good when we are down.
    Deb :)

  6. Gorgeous whites today. Your heart garland turned out wonderful. Best of luck to you in 2010!

    Take care,


  7. Lovely stuff, Sandi! What a score on the pillow! They never have anything like that around here!
    Your *hearts* are sweet!

  8. Oh my Sandi, how I love your candle! That is a great punch. What a great score on that pillow too girl!

  9. Sandi, I will be praying for you and your husband. I can only imagine how hard it must be. I am glad you found some motivation to create though, and LOVE your heart garland! So pretty...

  10. Love your heart garland. Don't you think that sometimes the Lord has us take the long way around so we can rest our weary minds or maybe think through some little bit we didn't even know we needed to think about.
    Wow! great find at the Goodwill. Its bee my favorite place to shop for over 50 years.
    Wishes for a New Year full of health, happiness and creating.

    Penny( a reformed lurker to your blog)


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