Friday, March 5, 2010

God's Timing

Isn't it amazing how perfect God's timing is? Even when it comes to the different seasons of the year.
Just when we don't think we can stand one more day
of comes spring.
Then again comes summer, fall and winter and we
start all over again. I have thought many times that
God planned each season to be just the right length.
{remind me of that when I can't stand one more day of snow}

It also reminds me of the Bible verse

Ecclesiastes 3:1

"To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under heaven.
A time to be born, and a time to die.
a time to plant and a time to reap.
a time to kill and a time to heal
a time to break down and a time to build up
a time to weep and a time to laugh
a time to mourn and a time to dance.
a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones.

a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.
a time to get and a time to lose.
a time to keep and a time to cast away.
a time to rend and a time to sew.
a time to keep silence and a time to speak
{still learning that one}
a time to love and a time to hate.
a time of war and a time of peace."

I challenge you to think about God's perfect timing today
as you go about your day.

We have no clue how many times our lives were spared because we were "running late" and missed being in an accident or because we "ran back in the house" to get that item we forgot or when we had to "sit in traffic and wait impatiently"... {speaking to myself here} and on and on. God loves us.
He wants what is best for each of us.
and His timing in everything is always

Praying you have a wonderful day ~


  1. Definately needed that today, thank you! Lovely photos too!

  2. Morning...Sure can hardly wait to see the blossoms & lilacs & just some greenery!!
    Lovely photos!!

  3. Ohhh Sandi ~ That is so true and so beautifully written ~ Thank you for the reminder as I start my day ~

  4. Perfectly wonderful thoughts today, Sandi! Thanks for the reminder and the lovely photos of God's beautiful creations as well. So important to remember that it's His timing that's important--not ours!

    Hope you enjoy this lovely day!

  5. Such a beautiful, inspiring post, thank you!!

  6. I can't wait till our magnolia tree is in bloom. Yes we love all the seasons. Spring especially because it is new beginnings. Enjoyed all your photos.

  7. such *great* words of encouragement!
    Thanks! Are those this year's flowers?!

  8. What a lovely look at what lies ahead for us soon.. Blessings..

  9. What gorgeous pictures! Yes, you are so right...God's timing IS always perfect. He's never early but never late as well. If only I can just remember this! ; )

  10. Pretty, pretty pictures and perfect Scripture!

  11. That was lovely, Sandi! Beautiful photos and timely verse! Thank you for sharing it.
    I posted a little thank you for the sweet goodies you gifted me with. They are much loved!

  12. Yes indeed! I was thinking about God's timing today as we look toward putting our house up for sale. ♥

  13. Thank you for this beautiful post, reminding us of how much God loves us.

  14. Thanks, Sandi, for the beautiful reminder! Sometimes I just get so caught up in everything that this is just what's needed to get my focus back where it should.

    Beautiful pictures, too!

  15. And this post is perfectly timed as well dear friend. I needed it today! These images all got a huge SIGH from me. That verse is one of my very favorites. Thank you for another beautiful post!

  16. Beautiful thoughts! Just what I needed today.

    Nita Jo

  17. G'Day~So true, I even get tired of the heat of summer and always welcome Fall.

    Thanks for stopping and saying Hello on my blog.Nice to meet you.~Kim

  18. Thank you for such a wonderful post! We're finally getting some warmer weather and it is glorious!

  19. Beautiful post! I am hopefully learning and leaning on the reality of the truth of these verses you mentioned.



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