Thursday, April 29, 2010

Playing with dirt and 50 cent find

In the spring, at the end of the day,
you should smell like dirt.
-Margaret Atwood
Sometimes the tiniest flowers
smell the sweetest.
-Emilie Barnes
Earth laughs in flowers.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Grow what you love,
the love will keep it growing.
-Emilie Barnes

You're only here for a short visit.
Don't hurry, don't worry,
and stop to smell the flowers along the way.
-Walter Hagen

Don't you just love my little gray clay pot?? My 50 cent purchase at an antique mall.
I was wishing they had a dozen of them!

My adorable little fairy chair that I have had for several years.

I was in my potting shed today planting violas in teacups for a Ladies tea that we are having at our church on Sunday. Guess who is in charge of the decor?

ps...I am loving my new camera!

Happy playing in the dirt in the days ahead. :)


  1. Your photos are so wonderful! You really see how sweet and delicate the flowers are. Fabulous quotes too!!

  2. I can't think of a sweeter way to spend the day than playing in the dirt! some of us just never grow up! :~P
    Your ladies' tea will be lovely!

  3. I wish I had a dozen of those little metal pots too! So cute!

  4. I love your poems, and I think the Sunday tea idea is wonderful. Have a good time doing it.

  5. Beautiful pictures - you are getting good with that camera! Really - is there anything better than digging in the dirt on a wonderful spring day? Enjoy!


  6. I loved this post!
    Pansies and violas are my all-time favorite flower. Followed closely by Hydrangeas, Peonies and Roses!
    I love your new camera too! The two of you are taking amazing photos.
    Have a blessed evening,
    Hugs my friend,

  7. Love your little pot and enjoyed the quotes. I don't garden at all but I love gardens. o well JQ

  8. I came to your site through A Cottage Muse and I've got have the prettiest blog header picture I've seen. I cannot wait to read through all your posts.

  9. Love the post with your Grand daughter!! She is so precious :)
    Your camera takes awesome pics.
    Love your new banner...with my dial-up...I just drop down to the post and don't always take time to see the banners.
    Happy weekend.
    Deb :)

  10. What delightful little blooms! so sweet and charming! Did you say you made a teacup plant for me?!! Thanks so very much for stopping by my place and reading about my spray paint fiasco....

  11. Poetry and gardening really complement each other. I like the poems and the pictures of your planted violas. They're lovely! Something good, wonderful and beautiful comes out in playing with dirt. It's a different experience to be gardening in the garden.


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