Thursday, April 22, 2010

update: white petite pots featured on Crescendoh

I was surprised to receive an email yesterday from
Jenny Doh asking me if she could feature and link
my "white petite pots" post on Crescendoh.
Of course I said honored to be included
on that site!

Imagine my delight when I also noticed
that June from Laughing with Angels is
also featured...yay!!


  1. Those are SO lovely, I can see why she would feature them, what a wonderful idea. SO beautiful, soft and elegant ~ can I say those two together? Jane

  2. How exciting! Going over to check them out!!

  3. She couldn't have chosen 2 better - You and June have fabulous style!

  4. That's awesome! Congratulations! What an honor! And one you deserve!


  5. I love them. They are so sweet!! Congratulations!! You deserve to be there!! I always love what you do. In case I have forgotten to say it before I love the header!

  6. Sandi amor, I will have to go check you guys out there :) Those little pots are so pretty! I read a feature on a dear friend there name Lovey from Fabric Photo Memories...I guess I will have to really look at their site :) Thank you and congrats amor :) Besos, Rose

  7. How exciting! Congrats!
    Your little pots are so beautiful!

  8. Wow, Jenny Doe! Now, you will be so famous. Just remember your old friends. lol
    Enjoy your moment of fame, you deserve it.


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