Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I forgot White Wednesday!

Can you believe I forgot White Wednesday??
until... I got on my blog
today and saw other posts are
getting random shots today that I had in my files.

Love this garden marker...
right outside my back door.

I painted and embellished some more little
terra cotta pots and put eggs in them this time
instead of soap.

Love this piece too. It is in my guest room
upstairs. I purchased it at a garage sale
several years ago.

Happy WW everyone! Please be sure and
visit Kathleen over at Faded Charm for
more posts.

Just a thought that came into my inbox today:

Stress is the trash of modern life- we all generate it, but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life. -Danzae Pace

I am off to restock my booth today...



  1. For random photos and on-the-spot posting, you did a beautiful job, Sandi! Love all your lovely whites!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. wow...for a last minute post this one was LOVELY! so many tresors!

  3. Hi Sandi,

    Your old woven bassinette is so sweet! I'm sure many a baby looked out at the world, bundled up there.


  4. Hi Sandi...hope you are having fun at your booth. If you don't see your wonderful garden marker when you get is safe and sound with me!! Love it!

  5. Hi Sandi! Boy, this is great for a quick post! Time sure flies, doesn't it?! Your painted pots are so cool!

    Have fun at your shop today!


  6. Love those sweet little pots. Great shots of your garden markers too. Enjoy your WW! I always enjoy your posts.

  7. You do a great job with random picture taking. thanks for taking the time to play along today.

    Take care,


  8. I love those pots and the eggs are too cute!!!

  9. Hi Sandi... I would still like to go but I think I will wait till Friday as it is advertised as a garden show with vendors in the garden... The forecast is for more rain tomorrow... Maybe by Friday it will get some drying time... WHo knows at this point... Let me know how it was and of you had fun ok

  10. Beautiful whites, Sandi! Your embellished pots have me swooning again!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  11. I just love your flower pots and eggs! How sweet! Great photos!

  12. Well, I think your random shots of white are just perfect! Love this little pots you decorated. Have a beautiful day! :) Tammy

  13. I do love the hose thing-y...just perfectly white and rusty! All of the other treasures are so pretty too.

    Had to laugh about the post below (laugh with you, not at you..right?) ...these darn emotions:) I try not to take 'em too seriously.

    Hope you are doing well this morning...Rene'


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