Friday, June 25, 2010

Tickled pink to be CROWNED

Thank goodness the storms are past and the power
is back on . We are very thankful to God that we didn't
get anything worse. One tree limb down is hardly worth
even talking about compared to what others have
gone through.

This is my latest exciting find that I just had to share
with you. After fluffing my booth last week I decided
to stop at another antique mall...almost didn't because
it seems that they have the same old stuff.

I was thrilled to find not only one , but FOUR of these
old crown canning jars! I had never even heard of them
until I read a post from Janis at Rust and Ruffles.
I thought never in a million years that I would
find any...I guess I was wrong!

There are at least two or three different designs and the
glass inserts in the lids even have crowns on them.
How cool is that?
{We do love our crowns here in blogland!}

They are made in Canada and I don't know a thing about them except that I love them. I tried and tried to get better pictures, to no avail. I am thinking they may show up the crown design better filled with water so I will have to try that soon.

What do you think of my latest find?? I handed over $2.50 each for these beauties
and almost ran out the

At the same antique mall I purchased this wine holder
for $4.00. I don't drink wine, but I just had to get it...
I love the wire design
and it made a great carrier for the jars!

happy day~


  1. Great finds! Those jars are pretty! I love the wine basket!

  2. Sandi ~
    Those jars are beautiful ! I have seen the aqua jars but not with the lids like that ~ I love them ~
    The wine carrier is so cool too !

  3. Sandi.. Great finds... Love the jars and the holder.. Wonderful everything is back in order for you and hubby...Today is suppose to be wonderful but back to the heat and humid and rain again over the weekend and for the next coming days... I am beginning to wonder of our weather is going to get stable or not this yer... Enjoy your day and be safe.

  4. Hi Sandi... I love your old blue canning jars with the crowns! I have heard of those, but never found any... I am going to look even harder now! I have a collection of the old Ball and Kerr blue jars that I adore! Good finds! xoxo Julie Marie PS Happy the storm is over and power back on... now you can click your garage door shut, tee hee hee!

  5. Well those jars left my mouth hanging wide open!

  6. Sandi your jars are too cool and such a good bargain! I have also look for that type of jar, but so far no luck. Sometimes it's hard living in the sticks!

  7. way cool, sandi!

    i finally found another #1 at tj maxx so now i have my street number(s) in bucket-form. now i just need some plants!

    happy weekend!


  8. I have never seen those jars either and I do like those glass lids, very nice! Jane

  9. These are really sweet, Sandi! How wonderful that you found them! I wish they had been sold in Germany as well but I guess it doesn't make much sense to watch out for them. The wine holder is very pretty as well.
    Have a wonderful weekend!


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