Friday, July 30, 2010

Just some pretty photos

Happy Friday everyone! I have good intentions of
getting outside in a few minutes and working in my
flower beds while the weather is cool.

In the meantime I thought I would share a few
photos that I have taken in the past couple days.

I picked this leaf cast up at the antique store where
I have my booth. Isn't it neat?

My white phlox peeking through the fence.

Beautiful hollyhock putting on it's best show.

My wire greenhouse it.

Love my phlox in this wire basket.

Pretty geranium in my bicycle basket.

I wanted to show you how tall my phlox get.

I did have four of these vintage chairs and they
were painted the prettiest green color.
I purchased them at an estate sale several years ago
for 50 cents each. I left this one and another one sit
outside and they lost almost all of their green paint.
I do have one left that is just as it was originally and
I am keeping it that way.

Have a wonderful weekend filled with blessings.


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous! Did you just paint the whole bike white? I love it!
    Becky C
    Buckets of Burlap

  2. ...aahhhh...beautious flowers...and a fabulous bicycle with a side basket no less!!
    Love it!!
    xo, Rosemary

  3. Gorgeous, Sandi! Do you remember making Hollyhock Dolls? I believe our moms did it when they were kids and Mom taught me. Nice memories! :-)

  4. Love the photo of the hollyhocks !!
    I tired to make a zipper rose...and it's harder than I thought it would be. Guess I'll just enjoy the 1 I made and that is that!
    Happy weekend.
    deb :)

  5. I'd love to see a hollyhock doll, love your phlox, and I can't believe you haven't painted your chairs white. Your leaf impression is really, really neat.

  6. I always know I can stop by for a visit and leave smiling! Your photos are so beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!!


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