Saturday, August 28, 2010

The beauty of rust

“A determined soul will do more with a *rusty* monkey wrench
than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop."
-Robert Hughes

I was looking through my old photos today and ran across
a few photos of *rust* that I think are so beautiful.

This amazing old latch is on a old cupboard in my
potting shed.

My bff made this wreath for me several years
ago and while it is probably looking weather
worn, I still love it. The *rusty* ribbon adds
the perfect touch.

Another beautiful piece on my potting shed cupboard...
this time a gorgeous handle.

Loving this *rusty* latch on my fairy house.

I think this old gate has just the right amount of rust.
Isn't it so beautiful?

In my opinion rusty, crusty and worn objects in the
right place are just perfect.



  1. Hi Sandi... love all your rust! Your wreath is beautiful! xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Lovin the rusty olde potting shed latch....yep, sure do.


  3. agreed! rust can look amazing in the right situation. xxx

  4. It's funny ~ we can admire the beauty in an old piece. The more chippy or rusty makes us love it more. Then why do we try to hide our age ~ with hair color or wrinkle creams?! I'm just saying...

  5. What pretty rust! ;) Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

  6. I don't think I ever looked at rust in quite this way. You're right, it IS lovely. It seems to give the item a life and tell a story. Beautiful pictures, too.
    Patricia :o)

  7. Glad to see that I am not the only one sho LOVES rust - I am obsessed with taling photos of things with rust - so much character - your photos are beautiful!


  8. Sandi,
    Thank quote fit perfectly my Dad and my DH. I will do a scrapbook page on them with that quote. Thanks so much. Loved the photos.


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