Sunday, August 1, 2010

Some granddaughter lovin'

...children are a heritage of the Lord
Psalm 127:3

We went to our youngest son's house yesterday
to celebrate hubby's birthday and
we had a wonderful time.

While we were there I told Annika I wanted to take
her picture and she immediately fell down
on the floor and posed like this!!!
Can you believe it??
She is a little ham and we love her to pieces!
{my son on the other hand said, "oh no, the
paparazzi are here again"}

Don't you just love her little pink *tutu* sticking
out underneath her dress?

I took this picture some time ago of her hiding
behind a chair. Wish I could remember why
she was

I snapped this photo when we were at a parade this
summer. She is only three years old!! She is growing up so fast though...three going on
thirteen. :)

Have a blessed Sunday ~


  1. Oh Sandi, she is precious! I especially love the photo of her in the sunglasses! xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Sweet Sandi, she's taking after her G'ma ... what a cutie! Lil' Miss Movie Star coming up, my friend.

    BTW how is the new baby doing? Due date is when?

    Wait until you see what I bought, later this week ... I was so excited with one & so tickled with the other.

    Have a beautiful summer's eve ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs of love, Marydon

  3. Hi!
    I am a friend of Marydon's. I wanted you to know I really enjoy your blog.

  4. Looks like you are raising her right! THey do learn young! Love that pink tutu peeping out! :o)

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents


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