Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Have brush...will paint!

Put a can of white paint and a paintbrush
near me and watch out. Everything in the
nearby vacinity will get painted! lol

I purchased this mirror intending to paint it white
and put it in my booth...

Well...the painted white part happened, but the booth part didn't. It is on my table where it will stay for now.

This is what it started out looking like...a Goodwill find for $3.00 and quite heavy I might add. Very nicely made.

Don't you agree that it looks so much better??
Would have loved to displayed real flowers, but haven't
had a chance to pick any up.

I also purchased this huge mirror at the Goodwill.
It was a shiny gold (forgot to get before pix)
Love it white and now it IS in my booth.

{sorry the reflection in the mirror isn't prettier. should have checked that out first} I found these beautiful 5 x 7 notecards and added them to some frames. They are in my Etsy store with more styles to come.

Do you like white paint as much as I do? MY BF tells me that in several years she will be off shopping in Italy and I will be stripping all my items that I painted white! Too funny!

Linking up with Kathleen over at Faded Charm again today.



  1. Hi Sandi,
    I can't believe the transformation of that little dark mirror. It's beauitful!! No wonder you decided to keep it. The great thing is that if/when you decide you want a change, you can always put it in your booth then. The big mirror is down right gorgeous!
    Patricia :o)

  2. Well Sandi...my humble opinion is that EVERYTHING looks better white so why not paint them???? LOL!!!!

  3. I'm a black spray paint gal, myself, but I'm seeing white a lot lately.

  4. Those mirrors turned out great-all the details pop out now!

  5. I love all the white stuff!
    You have a great Goodwill! Do you live near me? ;) I'm north of Seattle.

  6. I love both of these mirrors. I could not make myself get rid of them. xxx

  7. Hi Sandi ~ love your mirrors!!! You know I love all things white too!! Happy WW!

  8. Great transformations, Sandi! My DIL loves Black as much as we love White! It's funny. Maybe we *will* switch some day!

    I am so excited that my farm house to be has White kitchen cabniets! ♥

  9. I love this little mirror transformation! And I would have kept it too!
    And I am about to paint my little folly...now named tinker instead of Summer House! I would love it if you were here to help! I am dreading the whole painting experience! I think I have burnout from all of the painting I have had to do lately!
    JUst a thouht my friend!
    Blessings and hugs!

  10. That is what happens to me too, Sandi! I rotate things I have repurposed between home and shop. Beautiful little tablescape. Love your blog...think I'll follow. Have a great day.

  11. Yes, dedicated to white here, absolutely. Nice work on the frame.
    Hope you can stop by on Friday and check out our new teen bedroom giveaway. Jane F.

  12. I TOTALLY agree with the white...isn't it the best color! :D
    Hugs to you,
    ~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

  13. Mirrors are my favorite to re-do and one of my best selling items! That little one is so cute-great for the table!

  14. For sure I'd have a hard time parting with that darling mirror as well.

  15. My husband would say that we are twins separated by distance because everything around our house has been hosed in white paint!! Your finds and paintings are fantastic... love it all!!


  16. Amazing the difference a bit of whitepaint can make
    Love the mirror


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