Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Annika fix...

I got my Annika {GD} fix last Friday afternoon.
She was with me from 4 pm until after midnight
and we sure crammed a lot into a few hours.

pure innocence
You should have seen her little black boots.
They were too cute!
She is definitely my little *fashionista*.

I was snapping photos like crazy.
You know you have to take a bazillion pictures
to get a few that are great!

maybe a little attitude showing here??

"I can't write my name"

our little *lefty*
{does she look 3 years old to you??}

all tuckered out. ME TOO!!

Blessings...enjoy the day!


  1. Hi Sandi ~ oh she is so sweet! I spent the day looking through old photos for my little girl who turns 21 tomorrow. Through the tears I enjoyed her little cheeks now I get to enjoy Annika's, thanks!!

  2. Hi Sandi,
    You know, I think she's a doll. Yes, she looks about 3 to me, I love that age in little girls, it's the best!

    I can't wait to hear about your fall festival. Have lots of fun and hope you get many more beautiful pumpkins.

    Sandi, thank you for your comments about Gigi, I know you understand the emptiness in my heart. You are a dear friend that I truly appreciate. God bless you, dear friend!


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