Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ready or not here it comes!

Fall is coming...can you feel it? The nights are getting cooler,
the leaves are starting to fall,
it's almost pumpkin time!

This barn is a few miles up the road from us
and I thought it very appropriate for this weekend
with the flags flying. I love it!

Same barn as above. I didn't even notice the man in the
left hand corner towards the bottom. I wonder if he
saw me taking pictures. lol.

You will see a lot of these haystacks in
my neck of the woods.

Yep...autumn is almost here. I can definitely feel it! Blessings~


  1. I wish I could feel it here in Texas! I can't wait till it cools off a bit. I love Fall!

  2. Hi Sandi... oooh, I am so happy you did a barn post! LOVE them all, and I LOVE the haystacks! xoxo Julie Marie PS Autumn IS in the air here too and I love it!

  3. I am sure the guy saw you but how nice he is relaxing outside, a beautiful day, I feel it too. That reminds me to get my flags out for the coming weekend, I line the drive with the small ones and hang the larger one on the house.

  4. Love those farm photos, Sandi! The pictures of the hay (shocks, we called them) sure does look like fall!

  5. Oh how I dream of Fall. We won't get cooler temps until November or December. :(

    Is your friend going to repair your grandparent's home and barn? Love that window with the stained glass in the upper portion. So pretty! Such a shame when things are allowed to delapidate like that. There's something to be said for preserving the past. Thank goodness for the wonderful memories of once what was.

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend. :) Tammy

  6. Hi Sandy!
    Today it is hot again but tomorrow will be in the 60's & the weatherman said it will actually be "blustery"! Hey, there is a word I haven't heard in awhile!
    Have a Great TGIF!

  7. Hi Sandi!
    I am lovin'it! I have been ready for the weather to change for a few weeks now! I love your barn photos! I never tire of looking at them!
    Have a blessed weekend,

  8. I always love you barn pics... Are the haystacks on Amish farms? Your not that far away and we don't have any like that...

  9. Love that sweet old barn! Still hot and humid here ~ waiting for Hurricane Earl. Hope he cools things off!!

  10. I love the pictures. The hay stacks definitely have the visual of fall being upon us. I'm so over the high temps, but am not sure about letting summer go just yet. I do enjoy these last days without the humidity while out in the sun and gorgeous blue skies.
    Oh well, you're right, ready or not...

    Have a great weekend!

  11. wow- that is one huge fantastic barn! so glad you are coming to the BaRN cHIcK MeEtInG- THANKS.
    great post!


  12. I have never seen such haystacks before. The red barn is big and very pretty. I am so ready for Fall. hugs♥olive

  13. What a nice post~ I love all the pictures!!

  14. It's feeling like fall here today too. Time to put up the spring/summer furniture and bring out the fall. I usually look forward to doing this, but this summer it was so hot I didn't get to enjoy any of it. Hope fall lasts at least a couple of month-beautiful pics!

  15. is here! I do love it but am also sorry to see summer go and know that the cold winter is just around the corner...bittersweet, I guess. I do love the barns and farmhouse...nothing like a red barn!


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