Sunday, October 31, 2010

A new cloche

I played around a little today on bighugelabs and made
a mosiac. It took awhile since I am on dial-up internet,
but it was fun. I haven't made one for quite some time.

Do any of you ever watch Katie Browns workshop
on pbs? I happen to catch it once in
awhile. More by happenstance than anything
else. I was in Meijer and saw that they are now
carrying some of her items. The above cloche
is one of them. I love it! It also has a wooden
stand that you can purchase separately, but I
opted not to.

Hubby worked 10 hours yesterday so I had to figure
out what I wanted to do and I decided to go shopping.
I needed a new watch and a few groceries and along
the way I picked up these flowers too.
Aren't they so pretty?

Wishing everyone a blessed day today!! Hugs~

P.S. You might want to pop over to the Old painted cottage and enter this amazing giveaway that Jennifer is having. She is giving away a Alles bag (german grain sack bag) made by Kymberley. It retails for $365! Be sure and check it out!

I am also linking this post with Kathleen again over at Faded Charm for White Wednesday this week. Okay I will quit yacking now and make my way over to some lovely blogs. lol.


  1. I for the life of me cannot do a collage. I just find it messy looking, and I always seem to need a theme. I'd love to see what you did. Love your cloche.

  2. Hi Sandi...I'm going to have to try and make a mosaic myself soon. Love yours! Have a great week!

  3. I just saw that cloche today at Meijer and think it's so neat! So are all of the other pieces in Katie's line. Love your display!

  4. Hi Sandi... We are flowing freely now but they will be back this afternoon to finish... We had a broken tile also... I love glass cloches and have a etched one and a couple with the lines similar to the one you feathured but I can honestly say I love just the clear ones... They display your items better .... ones with the lines tend to distort the display but they are all beautiful... I have finished filling most of mine with Christmas.... Blessings

  5. I am here visiting from WW! Love your post and your blog and love the new cloche!
    Have a fun day- Tete

  6. I used to watch her too-I'll have to check out what else she has!

  7. Love your took me a couple of tries, but I also learned. I'm kind of hook now!!! LOL!
    Beautiful pictures!!!

  8. How Beautiful ~ I watch K.B. all the time & will have to check out her items.... Thanks for Sharing,

  9. Love the cloche Sandi. I don't know why, but everything seems pretty under one...Don't you think? Have a wonderful day. Blessings.

    Hugs and Kisses,


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