Sunday, November 7, 2010

I adore old things

There are a few of my friends and family
that just do not *get me*.

They don't understand why I prefer
chippy over freshly painted...

why I would rather have
vintage things rather than new...

why it makes my hearts go pitter patter
when I find an old discarded piece of days gone by ...

why I just plain and simply adore old things.

{photo from magazine}

But it is okay. I am me and I enjoy being me. I don't like cookie cutter houses where everyone
decorates the same. Believe me I did that years ago with those
home all remember those?
But when I found what I truly loved
there is absolutely no turning back.

I am thrilled when I find something for a mere
pittance that I have been wanting for a long time.
God loves to give us the desires of our heart
and I truly thank Him for that!
I am blessed~


  1. Hello Sandi... I love ladies who know just exactly who they are and what they like without being told what is "in" or what is "out"... I too do my own thing, and I LOVE everything vintage! I also love things like making homemade jams and jellies, and putting up my own pickles... my friends will ask me why I go to all that work to make pickles when I can go buy a jar at the store... my answer to that is always the same... "if you even have to ask that question, you would never understand"... I think that is how it is with your friends and mine who don't understand how we can love these old chippy shabby treasures... it is in our hearts... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Hi Sandi, I agree with you 100 percent. I love all things vintage. I just want to say you have one of the prettiest blogs and I love to visit. Have a wonderful Sunday. Terri

  3. Lovely picture Sandi.....have a great Ria......

  4. People over there may not get you, but if you came here, they would think you had gone loony! :)

    So sorry to hear that the barn burned down. That would be pretty scary! Glad there wasn't more damage.

    I try to do something every day to spread a little joy or pay it forward. Today I took in homemade oatmeal cookies for an AdminCouncil meeting at school and everyone was so appreciative. Every morning I make a snack bag for the guy who cleans our streets and put some change inside too.

    Hope you are having a great Sunday. Tammy

  5. ...Understanding the secret desires of our hearts is sooooo true! I am constantly humbled by His constant ways that He absolutely FILLS my heart!!!

    I too have friends that just don't "get it" One of my most beloved pieces is my "cookie cupboard". It is just as I like it, creamy white, chippy with vintage lace dripping from the shelves! Every single time I walk by it, my heart sighs with them, they always say that they want to take a can of paint to it ~ LOL!!!
    I simply say NEVER!!!!!

    Adore your mirror!! I loooove when the silver backing gets tarnished and spotted like that!!

    xo, Rosemary

  6. U are among LOTS of company on the love of chippy old things. I love it too! My house is anything but ordinary. The older the better, except me!lol

  7. I know of what you speak, I have that affliction as well. and I agree with C'est Moi, Julie Marie. If you have to ask why someone makes pickles well, let's face it I'm not giving that person any. I'll buy them something... Have a wonderful Sunday.

  8. This is one of my all-time favorite pics from Country Living. I have it in my Christmas inspiration book too! I've always wanted to make that button garland. Such a beautiful simple display.

  9. I GET you! You and I are the same. My biggest blessing is that my 87 year old dad gets me and my young grandsons also get me, too. How much better can it get than that.

  10. Oh Sandi... I so get you because I am just like you... Great pic... I love old mirrors... They show indurance.... Have a lovely Sunday.

  11. Just another thing we "Sandi"s have in common!!


  12. I love chippy old stuff! The more the better. The photo is gorgeous.


  13. I love old things too and the mirror with the candles is beautiful!

  14. I think it is grand fun to give vintage treasures a new home and also to decorate a home with things that are unique. No cookie-cutter stuff for me either!

  15. Oh this could exactly be my post...
    Same ideas...;0)
    Fine week

  16. i get you mon amie...oh how i get you! we are all kindred sprits here and that's what makes it so very special. a connection with women whom we've never met in "real life" but who share so very much kinship in this world. we are all blessed!

  17. you are not alone! I can't imagine a life without my vintage treasures and the thrill of the hunt!

  18. I just want to say "me too" to everything you said!!

  19. I love that picture too! How are ya Sandi? Oh its been much too long. Have a great week.
    p.s.blogland gets you & me too! Were blessed to have you.

  20. You're not alone out there, Sandi! No one I know understands the passion I have for antiquing either (except for my hubby). Thank goodness for blogging, so all of us like-mind people could find each other and not feel so alone in their love of vintage and antique goodies!
    Jo :)


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