Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Guess what I just spend a couple hours or so doing
this evening? Holding, smooching and loving on my
precious little new granddaughter. I just stare at her
and see pure innocence , beauty and perfection.
I am still amazed and in awe of Gods handiwork
each time I see a precious new grandchild.

10 perfect fingers, 10 perfect toes,
cutest little ears and smallest little nose.


Thank you God! I know many are not this
fortunate and we are truly blessed.

I told hubby on the way home that I was going to
do some blog hopping tonight before everyone
abandons me. I just haven't had the time lately
and when I do have a little time seems this computer
just doesn't want to cooperate.
See when it rains it runs slower...when it snows it
runs slower...when it is a sunny day it runs slower
{not really just checking to see if you are paying attention. lol.}

I have yet to figure this thing out. Some days I can get
to blogs just fine and other days I would be on here
all day long just to view TWO blogs so I do have to
give up and move on with the rest of my day at
some point. Please know that I do try and visit you
the best I can and I will keep trying.

So I head on over to Faded Charm to check out the
White Wednesday posts and there are now 142 posts.
Oh my...I can't keep up when there are 93...
I do love looking at the thumbnails though. lol.


  1. Hello Sandi... yes, you are truly blessed with your new granddaughter, and your other precious little ones as well... I LOVE that white wreath on your mirror so much!... I must get to Michael's and see if I can find one... I would leave it up all year round on that mirror of yours!... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. It sounds like the most wonderful pastime, snuggling a baby. I miss those days.

  3. Congratulations on the new baby. May she makes your Christmas this year even more special. Thanks for visiting. I check your blog and immediately hit the follow button. I didn't realized i have been a follower of yours for a while. You comment about the mantel been cut, let me tell you, sometimes I don't understand people's motives. i used to drive around a rich neighborhood looking for their good trash. We spotted a large size rug with a pretty design and it looked to be in pretty good shape. We huff and puff to get it in the truck and I do not pick up rugs, couches or pillows, you never know what you can bring home but this rug was beautiful. When we opened once we got it home the owners have shredded a perfectly fine rug. Why? Beats me.. Love all your beautiful whites. Blessings, Marta.

  4. Ah the challenges...please know you are not alone! I NEVER get to visit as much as I should. Your gorgeous wreath should be added to that long WW list! Beautiful! I can just feel those baby cheeks! Such a sweet time of life. Keep on lovin it! Jacqueline

  5. Oh Sandi I cannot wait to kiss a baby grandchild ~
    Yes you are so very blessed!!


  6. How sweet a baby is, I could just sit and look at them 24/7. How Lucky for you to have a new granddaughter just in time for Christmas!
    I found your blog today and now I am a new follower!!!
    Happy Holidays!

  7. Sandi,
    small ones are truly blessings, and soooooo to fall in love with :)
    Your wreath on the window? looks fantastic-love it.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  8. i can't think of a better reason to be away from us!!

  9. Enjoy your precious new grandbaby, Sandi! They are pure innocence at that very young age... such a joy!
    I love your wreath on your gorgeous vintage window! I LOVE how you glittered your wreath hanger, too... perfect down to the last detail!
    I hear ya about the frustrations of computers... sometimes it's just not worth it to keep trying and wait 'til tomorrow. :)
    Happy Holidays to you and your family!
    Jo :)

  10. Merry Christmas to you! There's nothing like a new baby granddaughter!
    Enjoy the blessing.
    ~ Julie

  11. congratulations on the new little one in your life. Aren't babies just the best gift from God.
    I love the simplicity of the window you have.
    thanks for sharing,

  12. Sandi - You enjoy that precious baby! (and don't apologize for being gone from your blog - me too - time just flies by for sure!) You are blessed to have this new addition - we love our grandbabies so much!


  13. Oh, congrats on the new grand baby! Nothing in the world any sweeter! I get one in Feb, and another one in July! So I'm gonna be doubly blessed next year! love your window with the white wreath!


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