Thursday, December 30, 2010

Last time...

...that you will see a glimpse of my Christmas tree this year.

I love seeing it peeking through this mirror.

We have another Christmas celebration this weekend
so I maybe MIA for a few days. I will be back next
week with some new finds for my booth...I hope.

I pray your new year will be as blessed for all of you
as much as you have blessed my life this past year.
I never thought the blogging world would be so

Here's to a new year with amazing new ideas and
wonderful new creations!


  1. Just wanted to stop in and wish you a peaceful and blessed New Years... Enjoy time with family and next week we can pack all the lovely Christmas decorations in storage and hope for another year....

  2. Hi Sandi, wishing you much health and happiness, peace, love and all that is good in this new year to come. Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

  3. Wishing you and your family a beautiful and blessed New Year Sandi!... xoxo Julie Marie

  4. What a pretty tree peeking out from that lovely vignette. Happy New Year, Sandi!
    - Susan

  5. You are part of that sweet world you know. Wishing you a great New Year, and a great Christmas celebration.

  6. Happy New Year Sandi! Wishing you all the best in 2011! :)

  7. Thanks for sharing the last look of your tree.
    Have a safe and wonderful New Year and May you truly be blessed in 2011,


  8. Wishing you peace, love and joy for 2011 Sweet Sandi!!

    How is that adorable angelic new granddaughter?!! And her big sister?

    Happy New Year!!

  9. the whimsy and wonder of your vignette peering through that lovely looking glass!!
    I so enjoy each my visit to your world and feel blessed to have come to know you through this bloggy line!!

    Happiest New Year my friend!!
    xo, Rosemary

  10. Beautiful pics of your tree in the mirror, Sandi! Wishing you lots of love, joy, and good health in the New Year, my friend!
    ~ Jo :)

  11. Such a lovely photo with your tree reflecting in the mirror-- Happy New Year dear Sandi. I wish for you a new year filled with creative inspirations. I am so looking forward to another year filled with your beautiful photos and stories. Every visit here is pure delight--

  12. such a pretty photo! Have fun and happy new year!

  13. Hope this New Year brings you all you wish for! 2011 is gonna be a great one!


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