Thursday, December 2, 2010

O Christmas tree...O Christmas tree... lovely are thy branches...

Love my skinny tree that we have had for the
past two or three years. I thought I would share
more of it with you today.
Please ignore the wonky vintage star on top.
I think I need to hop up there and straighten
it out. lol.

I adore this glitter slipper and wish I had

Also a peek at my fairy house in the lightly fallen
snow. The lights inside are supposed to resemble
a chandelier , but I gave up. We had a set up that
looked more like that because of the way I
hooked them all up, but it blew out so this is
the next best thing.

It seems to me that the days and weeks are passing by
in a blur! I am not getting time to visit all your blogs like
I want to, but I hope I can do that soon. I may have to
stay up in the wee hours of the morning to get that

Ran to town today, then to a funeral home and tonight
we have a preschool program for our sweet Annika.
Can't wait for that as I love to see her performing.
Happy day to each and every one of you!

Still praying for the three little boys. Every time I drive down
the road I find myself looking all around me thinking
what if they are very sad.


  1. G'day sweet Sandi ~ How darling your tree ... did catchup on your last few writes ... love LOVE that slipper.

    When did you send the ornies, please?

    Getting ready fro Antietam Candlelighting on Sat so really busy & behind here.

    Hugs of love, sweetie.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. I wish I were the Grinch so I could sneak down your chimney and snatch up that tree!! :)

  3. LOVE your tree!!!!! I like the tall skinny ones too. If ours ever gets finished being decorated I will post a picture of it. Right now it is half naked;) I watch the news every day for those little boys too. So sad but never give up.
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. Hello Sandi... your little fairy house looks so cute... and your tree is really pretty... love your white wreath in the background too... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Goodness, now this Cinderella knows what happened to her wonderful white slipper!!

  6. ...hey, taht wonky star matches your paper trees!! How very Dr. Suess of you!!
    LOVE the fairy house!! I NEED me one of those!!
    ~ and that sparkly paper shoe!!
    (well, actually, I want two ~ one for each foot ~ lol!!)

    xo, Rosemary

    p.s. NEVER give up hope!!!

  7. Beautiful tree and really sweet fairy house! Looking festive at your house!

  8. Every heart and thought are with those 3 little boys... it has me consumed and checking the news several times a day... Your slim tree is lovely.. Oh that star just needs to be tucked down further in the tree instead of on the peak of the branch.. A easy fix unless you loose your balance.... LOL

  9. Hi Sandi,
    Yes, it is so sad about those sweet little boys. Not sure how much national coverage this is getting. Your tree is so pretty. And I adore your glass house! I would have so much fun with one of those! Time is really going by way too fast these days, I just need a body double, and I'd be all set (either that, or go without sleep, but that wouldn't be pretty!). Have a great weekend!

  10. Pretty tree. I love white!
    It is very busy time of year..sure could use more time in my day! Made some cookies today!

  11. Hi Sandi,
    That tree is beautiful. I have been wanting a skinny tree forever. I think the slipper is so pretty.
    Your little faeries are probably doing a happy dance tonight under the lights.
    I hope you have a great time at Annika's program.
    I wish I was closer to my grandchildren, so I could attend their little Christmas programs.

  12. Hi
    Your tree is lovely! I love the little house with the lights... so beautiful with the snow.
    Enjoy the program
    Many blessings


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