Friday, January 7, 2011

Ladies...I got nothin'...

...nada...zilch. I am running out of pretty pictures
to show you and things to blog about so I guess I need
to get my thinking cap on and start snapping photos.

Although...I did find this gorgeous picture below
of my beautiful sleeping granddaughter Ainsley.
{in her car seat}
She certainly is NOT nothing...she is definitely

Isn't she so sweet? Reminds me of her daddy when
he was that age. Don't you just love the little ears
on her outfit? Cute!

One more thing... in case you all were wondering how to
find that popcorn that I blogged about a few days ago...
this is what the packages look like.

I had never had this cinnamon sugar before {but I literally inhaled the black and white drizzled}
I went to Walmart the other day and this is ALL they
had. No black and white and ONE bag of this so
I thought *oh why not* another kind I am
hooked on. lol

{and yes for those of you who asked it is
calorie free...well it may have a few of those
mean little calories, but worth every bite
I promise}

Now a chuckle for your day: A couple days ago I found a Reeses peanut butter
cup in my cupboard and I unwrapped it,
promptly threw away the candy and started to
eat the wrapper! I think I am losing it! hee hee Hoping you have a great Friday. I went on a
marathon shopping spree with my mom yesterday
and although I really didn't buy much, I am
exhausted so today is for resting I guess...
and maybe some creating.


  1. Ooo! Your grandbaby is so sweet! My new one comes next month! I wish I could have seen you throw that candy away AND the look on your face! Ha-ha! ♥

  2. Sandi... I feel I am not offering up much to my blogger friends right now aso... This time of year seems hard to get ourself going again... We hsv stripped our homes of holiday and some exaustion sets in and we search for inspiration.. I have viewed many lovely things but have not put any ideas to use as of yet.... I do not want to go shopping as I still do not want to add many more things to my home unless it was at a extreme bargin and I have parted with something... This makes it hard to come with things to post about everyday... Maybe we will have to post every other day or so?

  3. Sandi... I feel I am not offering up much to my blogger friends right now aso... This time of year seems hard to get ourself going again... We hsv stripped our homes of holiday and some exaustion sets in and we search for inspiration.. I have viewed many lovely things but have not put any ideas to use as of yet.... I do not want to go shopping as I still do not want to add many more things to my home unless it was at a extreme bargin and I have parted with something... This makes it hard to come with things to post about everyday... Maybe we will have to post every other day or so?

  4. Oooh Sandi, first off, your little granddaughter is so precious!... I just want to kiss her!... that kettlecorn looks yummy!... I'll have to try it. And that is just too funny about the peanut butter cup! How did the wrapper taste, tee hee hee??? I do things like that all the time, like when our house phones were not working one day and I picked up one of them and told Jack I was going to call the neighbor and see if their phone was working... DUH!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Ainsley...such a pretty name and pretty baby!!

  6. oh you captured a whole lot of "nothin" there! That grand baby's picture is worth a 1,000 blog posts so you're covered! :)

  7. You did a great job of turning "nothin" into something. Love the sweet picture of you adorable grandaughter. The drizzled popcorn has me drooling as I write this. Have a great day, I am off to Walmart :)

  8. Ha! I found a recipe that you can try:

    You must be losing it because you wished everyone a good Tuesday and today is Friday. LOL!

  9. I don't know how you do it, Sandi - everytime I visit you, you lift my spirits. Your nothin' post was perfect. Just wanna hug and kiss on that precious little baby face with the cute little ears on top of her head ;))

    I was going to post how I've hit a bloggers block, but that was just not coming together. I'm so with you every word of the way. Thanks for saying it for the rest of us, really, thanks.

    By the way, what did you get while out shopping?? ;))


  10. Wayside Treasures and a picture of a baby...I got confused for just a moment there and thought you'd found the baby!
    Such a cutie.

  11. Hello Sandi,
    I had to chuckle at your post heading, because that's what I said after Christmas to my husband. I'd just started blogging during the Thanksgiving/Xmas decor frenzy, and lamented that once I took down the decorations, what was I going to blog about? So I hurried up and re-arranged. Newbie blog jitters I guess...gotta learn to relax. Cute grandbaby you've got!
    - Susan

  12. Your granddaughter is adorable.

  13. Oh girl...I'm so glad to hear that you are losing it too. I'd hate to think I'm alone in this.LOL!

    Ainsley is gorgeous! Sweetest little face ever!
    big hug

  14. Thank you for sharing sleeping beauty with us!!

  15. Hello Sandy~Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping over at my blog, so I thought I would pop over for a lil visit myself.Lovely blog and I am now a follower.

    Sweet Bebe Girl, I have 1 Grandson and that popcorn is on my list Yummo! ~Cheers Kim


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