Monday, February 7, 2011

Enamel sign giveaway!

Remember a few days ago I said I was going to have a
giveaway soon? I hadn't even had time to think about it
yet when I was contacted by Ramsign about having a
giveaway of one of their beautiful signs on my blog.
Perfect timing I say!

Ramsign is a company in Denmark that makes beautiful
enamel signs. You can choose a house number sign or a
name sign. How fun is that ??

Here are a few samples of what they have to offer.

For one entry just leave a comment on this post and for a
second chance post this giveaway on your blog or blog
sidebar. I will pick a winner on Monday, February 14.
After I pick the winner I will contact Ramsign with the
winner's info and they will get ahold of you to find out
what sign you would like and they will ship it
directly to you.
{This is a worldwide giveaway so anyone can enter}

I think this sounds like a neat giveaway...I am thinking that I need one that says *Wayside Treasures*. Do you think it would be wrong of me to enter? Just kidding!! Blessings~


  1. Hi Sandi, oooh how I would love to win one of those treasures!... Please enter me in your generous giveaway... I am also going to post it on my side bar right now... love to you, hope you are feeling better!... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. How fun! Please count me in. Hope you are wonderful this morning!

  3. it's a wonderful idea for a giveaway. i just love those enamel signs i see everywhere! I would love an opportunity to win. thanks so much sandi!

  4. Sandi, those are some cool enamel signs. Enter me please. judy

  5. Awesome giveaway!!!! How exciting!!!! Sign me up!!!!

  6. These are beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Please add my name in the giveaway!

  7. Fantastic Giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity! xoox

  8. Oooh, I love the signs, Sandi! Please enter me, sounds like an awesome giveaway! Merci:)

  9. Oh...maybe one of these would help me fill in my empty space in my kitchen! Count me in!!

  10. Sandi, thanks for a chance to win that beautiful sign. I've posted it on my side bar. Have a great day!

  11. Those signs are amazing and I would definitely love to win one! Thanks for the great giveaway!!


  12. I received an email from them too but haven't gotten back to them yet. If I decide to host the giveaway you can enter mine! It would be fun to have a sign say~ Sea Cottage. ox

  13. Wonderful giveaway! I love these enameled signs.


  14. Aloha Sandi Please add me to the drawing.
    thanks for the opportunity!

  15. What a great giveaway! Those signs are so cute.Thanks so much for sharing this.

  16. What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance...I think I will go check out their website! Have a grand day!

  17. I love these signs! Be sure and throw my name in the pot for the drawing! Thanks!

  18. I would love to win a Nameplate, thanks for the chance!

  19. I am a follower of your blog and posted your give away at my sidebar!

  20. Oh, Sandi. I cannot believe that I almost missed your giveaway! Please include me - I have been looking EVERYWHERE for a sign that says PANTRY. This could be it!

  21. Sandi, you sweet friend ... what a lovely giveaway. Please accept my entry, I'd love to have one.

    Hope you are doing better ...

    I am buried in 3,000 feedsacks for our yearly inventory ... ugh! Will be a bit longer. Things on the other 'end' are ucky still ...

    Have missed you.

    Happy Valentine's PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~
    Hugs of love,


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If you leave me a comment I can reply back to you so much easier if your email is linked to your blog so please consider doing this.