Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pure Gorgeousness (is that a word?? )

Sharing some *gorgeousness* with you today for
White Wednesday.

I purchased these beautiful tags from Ozma of Odds
and I think they are gorgeous.

She sure pays attention to detail. They have a glittery
glimmer on them, but the photos didn't pick that up
very well.

I also purchased this lace butterfly from her.
Can you see the wording on the banner?
*butterfly for Japan*

All her proceeds from these beauties go for Japan
relief. What a neat idea!

{don't look too close at the writing on the postcard
because it says Merry Christmas...lol.}

a favorite mirror again with my favorite
candle of the moment

I purchased this pin/hair clip at Kohls.
Don't know if I will use it for it's intended purpose,
but loved it.

Happy White Wednesday to each and every one of you.
Unfortunately I will not be able to check out very many
of your blogs tomorrow due to other responsibility, but
hopefully I can another day.



  1. ...I'm so happy you noticed the sparkle:)
    ~ adore your displays....
    I wonder why??
    I'm not bias,
    nope not me!!
    Thank you for the shout out sweets!!
    4 more butterflies are left:)
    I love your polka dotted fluer and french stripe candle, soon you can show those gorgeous white lilacs by candle glow!
    Happy White Wednesday!
    xo, Rosemary

  2. The tags are beautiful!!
    Have a Wonderful Evening!

  3. Love the tags they are sweet!!
    Just love all your "Gorgeousness"
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  4. Oh Sandi I really do love Rosemary's art. I also love that sweet clip you bought. It is so pretty.
    I loved the beautiful pictures in your previous post. What gorgeous shots you got!!!!!!
    sending hugs...

  5. One of OOO's butterflies made their way to the east coast as well. i just adore it! Her tags are ever so lovely.....that girl sure can create sheer beauty! happy ww !

  6. I have mentioned this before, but have to say again just how lovely your blog it. Always so beautiful!

  7. The tags are indeed beautiful and the hair clip looks great "sans hair" :D


  8. Hi Sandi...pretty treats today! Love the pin...I have been picking up a few lately to wear on my jackets or sweaters to welcome Spring!

  9. Love your clip from kohls, and the tags are lovely. And thanks now I have a new word in my vocab!!

  10. Love the tags and your vignettes..you have an eye for beauty!! Have a great day, still loving your blog...

  11. Happy White Wednesday, Sandi. Thanks for all the 'gorgeousness'. It starts the day off really well indeed.

  12. Yep, I'm sure it's a word ~ and I'm also SURE that you've got the market cornered on it!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  13. Lovely whites, Sandi! Rosemary's tags & butterfly are beautiful, and your hair clip is so pretty!
    - Susan

  14. G'eve sweet lady ~ Her artwork is wonderful .. love the tags.

    Your clip is fab used as part of your decor, Sandi! Great idea. Your home is just so romantic ...

    Have a lovely eve ~
    TTFN ~

    NEW GIVEAWAY ends 4/10

  15. Hi Sandi,

    I love those tags and the idea for the heart is wonderful. I'm visiting for White Wednesday. I'd love to have you drop by for a visit.

    Stephanie ♥

  16. Hi Sandy! I'm Becky and I popped over from WW and love your gift tags! So lovely! As are the butterflies! I've been to her shop...she does great work!
    Your blog is lovely! I'll be back!

    Have a joyful Friday!


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