Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A photographer wannabe

Can you believe that I actually created something
yesterday? I know...shocked myself too. Not really
a lot to do in this nasty heat wave we are having so
I made some "lavender cookie" tags. I really wanted
to make the cookies instead, but it is just
too hot. I do think that I should probably go ahead
and make the cookies and bake them in my car
though!! I am sure it would work. ugh.

I put the tags on some of my old jars and had a
photo taking session. In fact I got very carried away
taking photos!
{I think the mirror image photo above is kinda neat}

I took some outside...

I took some closeup...

I took some in the mulch... {if you notice the jar in the background my lavender went wonky on me. Yep, forgot to glue it}

and on the deck.

Snapped a few in front of an old shutter...

on a chair.
{I took some just about everywhere!}

I would truly love to learn how to take better
photos, but I learn better by someone showing
me rather than reading a book. I am still trying
to figure out the book that came with my
camera and I have had it for a couple years or
more. tee hee Do they have a course out there
called, "photography for really dumb dummies"?? LOL
I did have fun though whether I know what I am doing
or not and I guess that is what is most important.

It is about White Wednesday time again so I will be
linking up with Kathleen over at Faded Charm.
Have a blessed week ahead and stay cool!!

{If you haven't submitted a name for my
kitty yet click here}


  1. ...Sandi * YOU * CRACK * ME * UP * !!!!!
    You silly girl, your pics are always inspiring, but i'm givin' you props for laying down on the job and taking your shots in the mulch ~ LOL!!!
    which look fab btw :)
    and girl ~ get those label in your etsy shop!!
    with perhaps a bag of your lavender cookies
    if you please, i'd like mine to be baked in the oven...
    xo, Rosemary

  2. It is absolutely beautiful Sandi!! I love what you did with the bottles and your photographs are always stunning. You have such a gorgeous home. I always love visiting your blog and seeing your home. Your gardens are stunning too!!

  3. Very pretty creations, your photos are pretty good.

  4. Hello Sandi... I think you are already a pro at photography!... those photos are just stunning and so are your pretty bottles... I especially love the close up of the bottle... I can't learn from a manual either, I just have to do it, trial and error... infact, I don't think I've ever had the manual to my camera out of the box... my belief is that if one loves to photograph, like you and I do, that we will teach ourselves and do what works best for us, not what something in a book tells us to do... I am that way about most everything, kind of just do my own thing, and oft times it works out... wishing you a beautiful Summer's day... have fun taking more photos!... xoxo and kitty kisses to your new baby!... Julie Marie Oh yes, another name I came up with is "Licorice"...

  5. Hello!! What a beautiful blog! All your pictures put me in a good mood! :) You are a wonderful photographer!


  6. Your photos are great. May I suggest a website to you...http://www.merakoh.com/
    She teaches photography for women. I recently purchased her book "your baby in pictures". I don't have any lil ones any more (maybe future grandkids someday) but the book is just wonderful. Takes you step by step through your camera with photo recipes. For a point and shoot camera as well as a DSLR. I love it. All explained in easy to understand terms. Her website is full of fun things too. If you would rather not follow a book she has videos too.

  7. The pics are lovely and so are the tags... I am struggling with this weather... Dod you get allot of rain?

  8. Those tags are gorgeous and the overall look of the bottles, beautiful!! Great job at photographing them!
    XXX Ido

  9. You are a stitch my friend!
    I love the lavender tag in a bottle though! It's super cute!
    I just cam in from working out in the garden all morning and I agree...I bet you could bake your cookies out in the car!
    Have a blessed afternoon/evening

  10. Hi Sandi,
    Beautiful! I am gonna have to buy some tags to play with!!
    We are opposite of you, I think I should bake cookies, no summer heat here (65 today, rain on the way...), a crazy year!!

  11. No Sandi, I can't believe that you have created something. The tags must be a Fata Morgana due to the heat, ha, ha, ha. Just kidding, of course. Your cookie tags are beautiful and I love the pictures you have taken too.

  12. These are fabulous Sandi!
    I say we take a photography class together!

  13. Sandi, I thought your photos were inspiring. Love the tag on the old bottle, and lavendar is my favorite.

  14. LOL! You goofy girl! You did a great job with your photos - AND your sweet project! LUV that lavender tag on the bottle! Now...give yourself a big pat on the back! :)

    xoxo laurie


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