Friday, August 5, 2011

One potato, two potato...

three potato, four!

Okay, I am so tired I don't know where that came
from...hee hee.
I took some photos of my potatoes in one of my
wire baskets from my Peacock Park adventure
earlier this summer. Love how I can write on
the tag in chalk.

To celebrate our anniversary today hubs and I
decided to head out on the Route 127 garage sales.
They start in Michigan a few miles northeast of us
and end in Alabama.
NO, we did not make it to Alabama! ha!

By the time we quit I was so exhausted. I don't
think it would have been near as bad, but the heat
was a killer. Felt like I had been in a sauna all day
long. Was it worth, not as far as the stuff
I found (or didn't find), but we had a good time
together and that is what counts.
Ended our trip at Cold Stone Creamery
and I ordered
Cheescake , so yummy!!
{I sampled the strawberry basil ice cream, but
it didn't do a thing for me}

Had to show you these gorgeous lilacs that were at the Farmers Market a few weeks ago.

...and wave petunias...waves and waves of them. :)

yummy lettuce...


aren't the colors so amazing

Hopefully I will get rested up soon and get a post
together that makes sense. :) but for now...


  1. Glad you had a good time together.

  2. Sandi you are so much fun!... I love this post, and your potato basket is too cute!... your Farmers Market looks yummy!... xoxo Julie Marie

  3. I hear about those garage sales that just go on for miles and miles along a hwy. I just can't imagine such a thing and think I would be in heaven:-)

    Also wanted to tell you that your white phlox photos were so beautiful and very Jeanne d' Arc looking...loved them!!!

    Take care and rest up:-)


  4. Sandi,
    I love all the beautiful colors in your photos today. Happy anniversary to you and your best pal. Ever look at him and think you could cry or bonk him on the head?:):)That's the kinds of thoughts I get with my Teddy bear sometimes. Smiles, Susie

  5. ...five potato, six potato can't wait to see more!

  6. Sounds like it would've been fun day, too bad it was so hot! I'm sure the ice cream made up for it a little bit though ;)


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