Friday, September 9, 2011

I bid adieu to summer

I don't know how the weather is where you live, but here in Michigan it has been rather cool cold!
 I am the first one to admit that I love cool weather, but it just seemd to hit us out of nowhere. One day it was 106 heat index and the next day it had dropped 30 degrees or so. It has also been rainy and dreary for the past few days and I have gotten much of nothing accomplished.  I think my house needs skylights or something because when it is dark outside it is also dark inside unless I turn on lights. It also doesn't help that I am now hopelessly addicted to Pinterest! I can spend hours on the computer and before I know it the whole morning is gone. Does that ever happen to you? oh my...just what I needed...something else to get addicted to. lol.

I purchased these two lavender plants at the Summer Herb Faire and still have not had a chance to get them planted. Is it too late? I haven't a clue when the cutoff date is to plant things, but I hope they will still be okay once I have the opportunity to get them in the ground.

Still loving my chippy white pots that I picked up on the 127 corridor garage sales this summer.

Also still loving my Belgium seed pots...LOVE!

I have been looking for a birdhouse for a long time to replace one that I have on a post outside that is falling apart. I found this one at the Summer Herb Faire too. I am waffling back and forth over whether to paint the roof white. What do you all think? I think it would look neat, but do I need the contrast? One of these days I will figure it out and get it put where it goes.

Love all the little details.

I took these photos in the middle of the summer and never got them posted so thought "Oh why last fond farewell" to summer for another year.

Hubby and I made this beauty. Easy neat looking for a cottage garden too.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I need to get off the computer and get something done. I was also wandering around on facebook today and found a little video of my tiny granddaughter playing with toilet paper so if you want to see something cute, cute, cute check this out. I think you can click here to view it, but let me know if it doesn't work and I will try to figure it my spare time. lol.


  1. We are still a little warm down here in South Carolina, I so look forward to a little cooler weather so I can open the windows and let the fresh air in. :o)
    Love your chippy white pots and oh my goodness the little tea cup bird bath is too adorable!!

    Have a beaufitul weekend,

  2. I forgot yes, my name is Tami and I too am addicted to Pintrest. :o)

  3. These photos sure brought some sun to my cloudy day! How did you join Pinterest...twitter?

  4. I'm in northern Illinois and we are getting the cold too. One night I couldn't sleep and had to go get our heavy comforter to put on the bed. Too early! Bird house looks great just the way it is and I'm really loving the cup & saucer, in fact, I could swear I saw the water moving when I was looking at your pictures. I better get off this thing and go back to work. Have a great weekend.

  5. It's not too late to get the lavender in the ground. You should be able to do that up until the ground freezes. Just keep the roots high and don't pile mulch on top of the roots. Lavender sure doesn't like soggy roots! I don't need to get hooked into Pintrest. Got too much going now as it is, LOL. Love the birdhouse. Leave it be with the black & white, IMHO. Love the little teacup garden decoration too.

  6. I love you chippy white pots too, they're wonderful, and the lavender looks really happy and healthy in them. I think you can plant just about anything in the fall, or when the weather is cool and cloudy... just not when it's 106 degrees! Man it was hot this summer! Anyway, i like the contrast on the birdhouse...


  7. I love your teacup creation. We've had cool days too, but today was glorious. Have a great weekend.

  8. Yes, summer is fading here too! I recently allowed myself onto Pinterest - I knew that I'd love it there so I tried to avoid it (I spend enough time as it is on the computer). I'll have to look you up - it looks like we love the same kinds of things. ::Jill

  9. I adore your Teacup Bird watering trough... that's an inspiring idea to feed the wildlife in my Gardens! Some with water some with seeds...

    Dawn... the Bohemian

  10. I just found your blog, and I follow you at once. Beautiful. Love it.

    Have a nice day

  11. Your birdhouse is lovely - but I AM surprised that your handy husband didn't build you one! Oh, and I would leave the roof black, because that is the way MY birdhouse is painted.
    *Smiles and Hugs*


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