Friday, September 16, 2011

Signs of fall

The signs of fall are all around us. I picked a few of my hydrangeas several days ago and just love them.
They are one of my favorite things about fall. I do love the cool , crisp weather too, but I do not look forward to winter.  I think every year it gets harder for me to handle the cold.  I have always been one to try and keep the thermostat lower to try and save money, but last year I just couldn't seem to stay warm so I chucked that idea right out the door. Funny thing is we didn't use any more gas than previous years when I kept the thermostat a little lower. In fact we did a prebuy for the winter and we had $125 left on our account when winter was over. No more cold for me!! lol

I added a few of my hydrangeas to one of my Peacock Park boxes. :)

Belgium zinc seed pots go very well with fall items.

I found these mini boo pumpkins up the road a little ways. They had ONE at the stand and I asked them if they had more and she sent two of her kids out with a couple bags and they picked a bunch more for me. That is service!

A new favorite basket. I picked this up at the new Home Goods store that we found on our way home from our daughters house last weekend. On clearance...$4.50.
It was very interesting getting to this particular Home Goods store. When you get off the exit it sends you into a round-a-bout within another round-a-bout. We TRIED to go on the way up, but were so confused trying to navigate the thing that hubby took what he thought was the road to get us to the store and put us right back on the interstate! Too funny!!
Somehow we actually navigated it on the way home and got to the store. Thankfully it must have been a slow time of day so we could take our time and really watch the signs, but I am telling you whoever designed that thing was twisted. lol.

A little bling never hurts.
more bling...

love these little crown earrings that I purchased some time ago on clearance at Claires.
On a side note, once again I must apologize for not making it to very many blogs lately. I do get to visit many of you when I am at my son or daughters house though. I am amazed at how many I can actually comment on while at their houses with high speed compared to here at home. Dial up..maybe one in the time I can comment on 10 or 15 there. Sure is slow around here sometimes...
Praying you all will have a wonderful weekend . Stay cool and be safe.


  1. I'm not sure i've seen many things cuter than your little pumpkins with bling! Great idea! These are gorgeous photos, and i love the little basket - what a great find for $4.50...


  2. I LOVE the pumpkins with the crowns-such a pretty idea!! Your hydrangeas are beautiful too! Have a great weekend!


  3. Love the white pumpkins, Have not seen any here yet. Maybe they are not ready yet. Cute basket. No HOME GOODS here in Canada

  4. love the pumpkins, and the hydrangeas are one of my favorites too. No more cold for me either. I need to be warm.

  5. Hydrangeas, bling on white pumpkins and a fabulous Fleurs basket ~ wow! I'm so glad I stopped by've inspired me with the beauty you've shared. Hope you have a delightful weekend.

  6. Greetings, Sandi!

    My very first visit with you was a treat. l love the boo pumpkins (never knew they were called that) and the hydrangeas are lovely. Yours is a very pretty post. Thanks for the beautiful inspirations!

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  7. I LOVE your hydrangeas, Sandi! Their colors are gorgeous and they look fantastic in your boxes, zinc pots and the basket. The white pumpkins are pretty too. I haven't seen any yet this year and have to watch out for some.
    Have a loveley weekend!

  8. I love the flowers--your pictures are beautiful! Also I have never seen white pumpkins that white! I love them! I hope we have some white pumpkins around here soon. We have no pumpkins yet---I think its been too hot maybe.

  9. Your still life photography is exquisite today. Autumn romance is in the air at Wayside! andrea @ townandprairie

  10. Love the lil' white pumpkins with bling!!
    Your flowers are gorgeous too!
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!


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