Monday, December 19, 2011

I wondered as I wandered...

...what I might find that would grab my attention.  I was given some $$$ for Christmas so  I went wandering  last week. {I only managed to spend $15 so I can go again! lol}  I trudged through several antique malls and this child's gray wool coat set is the only thing that really caught my eye. I think it is so precious and it just makes me wonder about the child who wore it.  Was he happy?  What was life like for him? Who did he grow up to be...??  I choose to believe that this child had a wonderful life filled with people who loved him and cherished him. I think he grew up and did or is doing wonderful things in this world.

I added a sprig of greenery for the season

Isn't the fabric just beautiful?

Love this precious little hat...

...and suspenders!! Is this not too cute or what?
I love the detail on the back of the coat..there is even a little pleat in the middle.

Does anyone have a clue what era or year we are looking at here? Would it have been the 50's or older? I really don't know and I wonder about that too. One thing I do know for sure is that it was made in the U.S.A. That is always a plus!!

Christmas is less than 1 week away blog friends!! Are you ready??? :)

Just a heads up that I am now running a 20% off of everything in my Etsy store in case you are interested in anything. Pop me a line and I will edit the listing to show the discount. Thank you!!


  1. 1940s ... we had these clothes. Actually, brother had an outfit almost identical to this.

    Merry Christmas
    TTFN ~

  2. What a cute little coat and cap. I would have said it was from the 40's too.
    Warm Christmas Wishes to you and your family.

  3. Dear Sandi, the suit is a wonderful find- so precious and sweet-I would think 50-too.
    It is a lovely decoration for now, with the greens inside.

  4. Oh Sandi...that is the sweetest! Jim and I went on a date last night to see The Enchanted Village. Old time displays from Macy's windows and this little outfit looks similar to ones on the figures! I'll be posting about it tomorrow!


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