Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Daydreaming again...and paper heart chain

Do you ever sit and daydream? Truthfully I usually don't , but lately I have been daydreaming of Paris.  {just once in awhile. I am still actually getting my laundry done, dishes washed, floors moped etc. We wouldn't want any daydreaming to get in the way of everyday chores now would we?} It must be amazing to visit that city, but truthfully it is probably something I will never do.

 Did I ever tell you that I have a fear of flying? Not a huge fear, but nevertheless a fear. I truly think I could get over it fast
if we suddenly came into boatloads of money. lol. Not expecting that to happen either, so I will continue to dream away!!

While dreaming of Paris I decided to finish an altered bottle that I started creating some time ago.
Do you do that too? Start something and then not sure what direction you want to go so you just set it
aside for a week ,month year?  Happens a lot around here and then I have several unfinished projects
laying around. There comes a point when they have to be finished or they would run me out of
 house and home. lol.

I also got carried away this week making paper heart chains out of old music sheets! I saw the idea on Pinterest and just had to try it. {although it was made out of purple paper. I decided this would be much prettier!} SO easy so I just kept on adding hearts, hearts and more hearts until it is about long enough to circle the house six times!! Well , okay maybe not quite that long.  :)

Can you tell I like this bottle and the paper chain? hee hee

She is dressed in her Sunday best. This is a vintage ruffled lace cuff that I had laying around and it
fit the bottle perfectly. I think it was meant for her. I just put it on and snapped it shut with the snaps
that were already on it. Then I added a graphic from the graphic fairy and some other embellishments.
Simple, but lovely.

Speaking of Paris...the city of love...I also painted and embellished this simple heart a day or two ago.
Don't look too close. I didn't get the rubber stamp to *rock* for me on the curved surface so had to fill in some of the letters by hand with a marker. I still think it is sweet though.

How is your week going? Have you been creative? Please do tell me...

Linking up with Faded Charm again this week for White Wednesday.


  1. Hi. That was a beautiful bottlelady.
    I can tell you that I hate to fly,(scared to death), but I have been in Paris. Only four hours by plane. Hope you make your dream come true, and see that beautiful city once.
    I have not been very creative this week. Only some painting. Have some projects, but I`m waiting for some inspiration.

    Hugs Bente

  2. Love the bottle and the heart chain... I may have to try a small one to lay across the dining table to blend with the book page border... Great idea... zero dollars ... my favorite... icky here... wind and rain...

  3. loving them ALL (pinning them ALL!) :)

  4. Hi Sandi... oh my goodness, that bottle is so exquisite, I just love it!!! and yes, I daydream quite often, then my daydreams sometimes become my posts... I love to daydream... even though I am French I have never been to France... I would love to visit the countryside in the south of France and see where my ancestors all came from... I too am afraid to fly... I will fly with Jack (he is a pilot, although we have not flown in a small plane we rent for a number of years) but not with anyone else flying the plane... but if they ever make a really long road, I will drive there!... I'll stop by and pick you up on the way!... tee hee hee, xoxo Julie Marie

  5. The bottle came out lovely, Sandi, and I know what you mean about unfinished projects lying around. Your hearts banner is SO fabulous! What a great idea!
    I've been trying to get some sewing projects done - this is a good time of year for sewing & knitting...
    Oh, and I'm the same way about flying. I've realized that I will never be one of those folks who are completely comfortable flying. But I think a trip to Paris would ease either of our minds, hmmm?

  6. Your bottle came out gorgeous and I love the heart banner - so pretty.Sandi, I hope you will get to go to Paris one day.Have a fantastic week.
    Happy WW,

  7. Sandi, I want to visit Paris also. I say that if I get the chance to go...I will take empty suitcases. So I can fill them junk or treasures from Paris.:):) Susie
    (She Junks)

  8. lol! Yup! You should see all the things sitting in my basement waiting breathlessly for inspiration to hit me, Sandi! lol! You're not alone! I love love love that heart you did! Is that made of wood? Your bottle is fabulously French, too! :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. Love what you did with the bottle. I have never been to Paris so I have my imagined fantasy about the place...and actually I probably have a better fantasy than it really is. Dreaming is fun. Creative things--I just made some adorable bloggy market bags and a really cute ruffled chair cover. It is all about ruffles for me this year!

  10. Your bottle is just gorgeous, Sandi! And I never would have thought to make paper chain hearts from vintage sheet music, how fun! I hope you can visit Paris some day!!

  11. I love your beautiful bottles. I day dream....ALL OF THE TIME! My brain never stops going. It jumps from one subject to the next way faster then I could even talk.
    I have been super busy this week, I redid my master bath. My hands are still killing me from all the painting. I'm loving it though! (the redo, not my pained hands) :)


  12. What a lovely post. Just what I needed after being snowed in for 3 days and a few more in sight.
    Thanks for the lift.

  13. I think we all dream of a trip to Paris..alass I will never get there I know.. I do like your bottle and your whites that pertain to Paris

  14. Oh, the bottle is beautiful...I'm loving the music paper heart chain! And never say never...Paris will always be there...Happy White Wednesday!! ~Lorraine

  15. I have been creative this week! Thank you for asking!

    I am making jewelry for my new jewelry store! Angel wings are included in some of my pieces.

    I love your site! It is sooooo beautiful.

    I will be posting pics of my designs this weekend. Hope you will come see them!

    Kingdom Blessings,


    Twitter: @JanetsAtHome

  16. Hi Sandi, your bottle is so gorgeous, I love the laces dansing around her, and her frensh look- she looks so chic, and very romantish, and the paper chain and heart makes beautiful compagny to it.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  17. I am just like you - I start but not always with a clear path and things often get put aside while waiting for the rest of the idea - that's why I have about 80 unfinished projects!
    I love the paper chain - much prettier than the purple!

  18. sandi,

    JUST THIS MORNING while out for breakfast with my friend, i was talking about how i've become fearful of flying but will have to get over it if i want to return to CA someday or visit france or london. maybe a sleeping pill or 2???

    your altered creations are beautiful!

    so fun that we're both hosting novica giveaways!


  19. Hi Sandi, Even though I am a farm girl I love all the white, let's face it I love it all. I hope you will stop by my new blog and become a follower. It's all about farm life, decorating, cooking, antiques, you know the things us girls love. See you there.


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